Tuesday, September 30, 2008

genius vs. ingenious...

I went to an Apple store a while back while I was in TN. I went to see about getting my computer worked on. When I walked up to the counter I was met by a man with an Apple shirt that said “Genius” on the pocket area where names are displayed. When I went to the counter, a sign at the front said, “Genius in.” I was immediately intimidated by the way they pushed their “experts”. Not really, but I did think they must be really smart to have that name on their shirt. To my amazement, they quickly answered every question with a very pleasant attitude and made me feel like I was in the hands of a “genius”. They really weren’t geniuses, though. They just really knew their product and they knew how to help people in every situation when it came to a Mac computer. Sadly enough, it is a rare thing for someone to actually know all there is to know about something in a certain area or field. So, I guess as low as the curve is, they really are geniuses. By the way, the definition for a genius is someone who has an exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work in science, art, music, etc. In other words, naturally SMART!

Then there is the other word: ingenious. The definition for ingenious is a person who is cleverly inventive or resourceful. A person who thinks well on their feet is a person who can make something good and workable out of almost anything. This is the person who takes something already made or constructed and makes it work even better because of their creative way of enhancing something. They are smart, too, but usually take something a genius already did and make it their own by adding their creative, personal touch to it. They are creatively SMART also.
Here’s the point: there is a Genius in and His name is Jesus. He put an intelligent, original plan into place and saw it fulfilled when He died on the cross and rose on the third day. That plan was the result of God’s perfect intelligence. We call that wisdom. So when we need help with our life and we approach God in prayer we are coming to the Genius of Geniuses, or as the Word says, the King of Kings. He is the perfect source for all wisdom and let me assure you, the Genius is in!
Deuteronomy 32:4 says, “He is the Rock, His works are perfect and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He.”
The ingenious part of the whole thing is where we fit in. Since the Holy Spirit is in all who know Jesus, we take on that great wisdom and learn how to live our lives as God directs. We live our lives IN the Genius and He gives us the capacity to take our individual personalities and see Him work a creative work through each of us. We are all unique and different, but we all adhere to the teachings of God and He works his great will through each our lives in a very unique and creative way. No matter what comes our way, we are empowered to creatively handle it through the wisdom that comes from God’s Word. That’s what we call “walking the walk”. You are capable to live an ingenious Christian life because of one fact: the Genius is in! Get to know His ways, His Word and His witness and you will not only have the answers to life’s questions; you will lead others to our great and mighty God.
1 Peter 3:15 says, "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."
That is what He wants!
The Genius is in! Are you ingenious in how you follow His ways?

The Pilgrimage continues..

David Warren

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

unparalleled service...

Many times in my life I have heard mature and not-so-mature Christians state that they want to follow Jesus by living a life parallel to Him and following His way from afar. They have stated that living a godly life of total commitment is unrealistic, so the desire is to "do the best we can" and make our best effort to follow Christ. That seems to be a very relevant way for a fallen people to live for a Holy God. The only problem is that it doesn't line up with scripture when it comes to a transforming life. The difference is this:

We don't try to live up to what Christ wants to do
through our life; we allow Christ to live through
our lives by giving Him our all.

All our wants, desires, direction, purpose and many other characteristics that make up a Christ-like person are all Christ-generated, not self-generated. We can't do anything on our own that will ever measure up to Christ. We begin making strides for transformation by allowing Him to totally control our life -- not following alongside Him or parallel with Christ, but directly in line with Christ and following His footsteps.
You say, "What is the difference?" One is keeping some cards in our hand to allow us to keep a part of our commitment to the world and pick and choose how much we want to give to Christ. The other is totally giving 100% to Christ and allowing Him to totally transform us into someone who is "sold out" to Him. The first is living a life that is parallel to Christ and the second is living a life that is joined with Christ. Total transformation and renewal only comes when we give it all to Him. Unparalleled service.
What are the benefits? Godly power, godly purpose, godly passion and godly provision. Trust God with all your life. The rest is just details...
Keep on leading worship like we had last Sunday. Lives are being changed and our church is being revived. You are a significant part of what God is doing. Keep doing it!
You are a precious people and God is powerful in your lives. Thanks for your great commitment to unparalleled service to our Lord.

The Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

line up...

Years ago a little boy went to a very strict military school and every day he would leave his dorm room and get in a line of boys who went out to report for early morning instructions. As he would file out every morning he started thinking, “Why am I doing this and what does it help?” Finally, the question bugged him so much that he went to their commander and shared his heart. The seasoned soldier looked at him with a grin and said, “Son, you are one of few who have ever openly questioned why we do what we do here. I appreciate your individuality, and the answer is clear when you look at it from my perspective. When I send my soldiers to the battle line I know the enemy has one thing in mind: divide and conquer. The strength of our fighting force is that we never break ranks, we never think of ourselves first, and we always hold strong to our unity. That is our strength, and that is our purpose. It is proven and foundational to the success of our mission in every way. We just can’t improve on it. Does that answer your question?”

The little boy looked at the commander with a tear in his eye and said, “Sir, what you have explained is what I’ve been looking for. I will do everything I can to make my line strong, unified, and purposeful. Now I know what it means to be a soldier.” As He turned to leave the room, the commander called out, “Soldier. You are wise beyond your years and I commend you for that. Now get back in line and get ready to fight!” The little soldier turned and saluted and said, “Sir, yes sir.” He walked out of the office a different person. He had purpose in his position and his willingness to line up was an act of obedience that would strengthen all who lined up with him for years to come.
2 Timothy 2:1-4 is a call to follow our commander and get “lined up” with His instructions. Paul compels Timothy and us to be strong in the grace that we have in Christ Jesus. He also calls us to take what we know and share it with others through our words and our example. The call to line up is a challenge to endure hardship with each other, to lift one another up in good and bad times and to never break ranks. His last challenge is the most important. Paul says we must not get involved in thinking like civilians. Civilians are not trained, not tested, and they haven’t signed up to fight, so they don’t have the concept of the requirements of being a soldier. We are soldiers fighting the good fight. The battle’s already been won and our commander goes before us as we claim more and more territory for our King. The enemy’s plan hasn’t changed, by the way. Satan’s plan is still to divide and conquer. As I came to God this morning for explanations about certain things, He answered through His word very clearly and then He said, “Get back in line.” My reply is “Yes, Daddy!"
What is your reply? The battle is raging. Line up . . .

The Pilgrimage continues...

David Warren

Friday, September 12, 2008

Moving Forward...

Synergy - a combined action or operation that is mutually joined by different parties that has a greater effect than the effect of one.
Getting everyone moving in the same direction in anything is very difficult because everyone has their own opinion and thus a lack of what the Bible calls being like-minded.  But when we all get moving together, one thing builds on another and another, and so on, and the end result is incredible progress.  That progress cannot be measured before the synergetic movement.  The movement is so "on the spot" that it surpasses any measurement we might make.  In Christian terms, we call it revival!!  It's where a group of believers put themselves in the background and serve with others unselfishly.  Anything less than that movement in church life is actually moving backward.  It takes true worshippers of Jesus Christ to start this movement, and when they commit their all to Jesus they can move forward.  You may ask, "When does this need to start?"  Well, NOW of course!!  Didn't you  know???
In John 4:23-24 Jesus said, Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth.”
I believe we are in that time and today is the day we move forward together into a new way of thinking:
· a way that is humble, heartfelt and Holy Spirit-led
· a way that is different than the world’s way
· a way that is extraordinarily unique and fresh
· a way that challenges us to step up and be Christ-like in every area
Remember, this is all for God. The rest is just details. Keep your great heart for service open and receptive to Him and His ways, and the world will never be the same.

 The Pilgrimage continues...

David Warren