As he went through high school, his desire was to play Division 1 football and when he graduated, he was voted best linebacker in the West part of the state of Alabama. He also got a full scholarship to play football at Division 1 Murray State University in Murray, KY. The coach who recruited him was fired the next year and Seth found himself not wanting to follow the direction of the replacement coach; he moved to North Carolina with us. He tried out for UNC Pembroke’s team and not only made the team, but became their first ever captain of a newly formed program and was playing great. His dream continued on until one Saturday in Jacksonville, FL while playing Jacksonville State — he suffered a paralyzing accident that saw him carted of the field on a stretcher. After six hours, the feeling came back to his limbs but after going to a neurologist, he found out he could never play football again.
Though disappointed, he turned his efforts to soccer and has tried out for three professional soccer teams and continues to train (by himself) to continue to use his talents for God. After getting hurt, he moved back home and immersed himself in the ministry here at Scotts Hill as a non-paid volunteer drummer for the CPC services, and then for us in the Worship Center. He gives no less than 15 hours each week to practice and makes sure he is ready to lead worship through drumming. His attitude is one of worship and you don’t have to be around Seth very long to see his heart is turned toward God and His calling. In fact, he came forward right here at Scotts Hill and shared his decision to follow God in the ministry and he continues to pursue that calling.
I say this to let you know that Seth is moving back to Alabama to go back to school at the University of North Alabama. He will also be serving as a non-paid intern at a local church there; he will play drums for them and work with their youth. Our home will miss Seth. I also know our worship ministry will miss him and his great love for worship. Pray for him as he gets established and takes yet another leap of faith as he continues to serve God by giving Him his all. If you get a chance, encourage Seth before he leaves for Alabama. This Sunday will be his last Sunday here, and he will drive back on Thursday, February 26. Thanks, Seth, and well done, God’s good and faithful servant.