Thursday, April 26, 2012

Trials = Wisdom

One of the most difficult things for me to handle in my life is trouble.  Those unexpected things that happen at the most inopportune moment.  When trouble comes our way, we think we know how we will react, but too many times we do something totally different than we planned in our mind.  Another word for trouble is the word TRIALS.  A trial is  a test of the performance, qualities, or suitability of someone or something.  It is something that tests our resolve and shows our true colors when reacting to something.

    In the Book of James in Chapter 1 verses 2  - 5, James addresses the issue of trials or tests. Verse 2 Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, 3 knowing that  the testing of your faith produces endurance.  4 And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect sand complete, lacking in nothing.  The trials of life are going to come and go, and sure enough, we will all have to face them.  But the believer has a different approach to why the trails come, and that thought process goes back to the complete person.  In other words, those who know Christ, also know that there is always a great plan in why God does what He does and that the end result is to help each of us.  This is all part of the "hope" of our faith and draws us closer to God and helps us learn more about Him and this life we are living.  When we know God is working a work in our life, (as difficult as it may seem) we look at trials and tests much differently.  So in Verse 2, when it says, "consider it all joy" we know that joy.  And instead of our reaction being one of defense, we turn it into a reaction of offense.  We learn from that one, so we can face the next one.  You've seen this brought out in many different movies where a chosen hero has the daunting task of saving the world.  You look at him and he is a scrawny nobody, and you think that the Master has chosen wrong.  But then, he goes through one trial after another, and when it comes to defeating the enemy at the end, he is ready because of his trials along the way.  That age old story is not something from a Chinese Myth, but an actual truth from the Word of God.  Of course, we  would like to think the person who goes through those trials turns into a big, buff, warrior.  That really is not the the case.  Why?  Because the effect is not on their body, but on their mind and their heart.  Which brings to mind verse 5  If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.  I like the way The Message Bible puts it, 5 If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You'll get his help, and won't be condescended to when you ask for it.  All of this ties together to build up the whole person and that person is one who looks like Jesus.  Sometimes those trials will seem unfair, and too tough, but just keep trusting that God will work things out, and learn from the storm while you are in the middle of it. God's Plan will take you to a new level of trust and understanding as you live your daily life.  Here's a story about a young boy who had the right frame of mind when dealing with his trials.
David, a 2-year old with leukemia, was taken by his mother, Deborah, to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, to see Dr. John Truman who specializes in treating children with cancer and various blood diseases. Dr. Truman's prognosis was devastating: "He has a 50-50 chance." The countless clinic visits, the blood tests, the intravenous drugs, the fear and pain--the mother's ordeal can be almost as bad as the child's because she must stand by, unable to bear the pain herself. David never cried in the waiting room, and although his friends in the clinic had to hurt him and stick needles in him, he hustled in ahead of his mother with a smile, sure of the welcome he always got. When he was three, David had to have a spinal tap--a painful procedure at any age. It was explained to him that, because he was sick, Dr. Truman had to do something to make him better. "If it hurts, remember it's because he loves you," Deborah said. The procedure was horrendous. It took three nurses to hold David still, while he yelled and sobbed and struggled. When it was almost over, the tiny boy, soaked in sweat and tears, looked up at the doctor and gasped, "Thank you, Dr. Tooman, for my hurting."

I know when we get to the point of trusting God through our trials, then we will truly be able to praise Him in all things.  Until then, take those trials on one at a time and learn from them.  These trial lessons have eternal wisdom attached to them.  Keep this in mind.  If I know that He is looking out for my best.  I will come out of my trials with great wisdom.    TRIALS = WISDOM.

The Pilgrimage continues......

David Warren

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Consideration Nation

I remember when I saw the first Liberty Mutual Commercial where a person did a good deed and then another person saw it and then it prompted them to do a good deed and the cycle continued until it came back to the original person.  I thought to myself, "We need more of that...wait a minute.  I need more of that!"  This concept is not original with an insurance company, being an American, or having a good "upbringing."  Those things can highlight the concept, but the real "lifestyle" of consideration comes from God's Word.  In fact, it's part of a long list of characteristics that are seen in a person's life when they have new life in Christ. It's called "walking in the Spirit" in Galatians 5:22-23 by the Apostle Paul, and he taught the lesson in reference to living a life that makes an impact.  Impact on who?  On everyone you meet!  
It's kind of ironic how Paul was refuting those of the day called Judaizers who wanted to make our faith something that is generated by doing good deeds.  He explained to the council there and to all of us that our good deeds don't come out of who we are, but out of whose we are.  He firmed up the point that our "faith" and the work of the Holy Spirit in our life through that faith frees us from duty, and adds a whole new element to living a Godly Life.  Here's the point: When we receive Christ we receive freedom, true freedom.  In that freedom comes a surrender to God's Spirit.  The Spirit changes us from the inside out making us think and act differently.  Not just act a little different.  A Radical change.  
I have heard people say, "I really can't remember doing much bad before I accepted Christ, so my salvation wasn't much different in effect."  Every time I hear a testimony like that it makes me cringe.  When I accepted Christ, I saw my sinful condition and all it meant for me and I repented.  I didn't see things I had done right or wrong.  I saw my condition!!  So when I was freed from the penalty of sin through salvation a radical change took place in my life and I am still living out of that initial "change."  Good works don't make me any less of a sinner.  His grace through faith has taken that away for eternity. But.......since I now know Christ and there is a change, there are certain things that will be seen in my life.  God calls it fruits of the Spirit.

In Galatians 5:22-23, some of the main fruits are listed and guess what?  Consideration is one of them.  It has a different word, but the same meaning.  Paul calls it "kindness."  In fact, the dictionary meaning of Kindness is "the quality of being friendly, generous, or considerate."  This fruit is one that can change any argument into a friendly discussion.  It can change a selfish attitude into a giving one, just by someone seeing it. If practiced by Christians alone it could change an entire nation and help us be more considerate and Christlike.  Sadly, right now we as believers are more into "an eye for an eye" theology so kindness is thrown out the window.  You can see it everywhere that people can comment with a computer keyboard.  (Of course, you know the reason we are more bold on a keyboard is because we don't have to look into another person's eyes when we tear them apart.)  Facebook is littered with innuendoes ( more famous in the south than sweet tea) and cuts that are not kind at all.  Sporting events give us total license to cheer without fear.  Too many levels of kindness have washed away and now its all become a "grey mess" in our faith and the end result is devastating.  
So, what can be done?  Well, I am a big offender here.  Especially in the sports.  Here's a rule of thumb for me.  If something comes across as unkind and not like Christ, it probably is.  That little nudge in your conscience should not be ignored.  And when you do see an opportunity to help someone, like in the Liberty Mutual Commercial, you probably need to do what the Spirit is compelling you to do.  Help!!  Also, weigh heavily how you think about yourself by what Paul says in Chapter 6 of Galatians, where he says in verse 3, "for if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself."  What it says to me is this, "David you aren't really THAT good, but Christ is."  Use your freedom in Christ to be like Him.
I have found that the only way to change something is to change myself first.  Hopefully today all who read this blog will realize that us being good isn't going to change anything, but being Christlike will change everything.  Let's change into a Consideration Nation.

The Pilgrimage continues.....

David Warren

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sharpen Your Senses!!

I was watching one of my grandaughters, Vera, the other day.  All kids grow up so fast and you really have to be near them to catch every little thing they learn to do.  I was trying to see just what new things Vera could do since the last time I had seen her.  I quickly noticed that she was hearing things and looking quickly in the direction from where the noise came from.  When last I saw her she would kind of move a little when that happened, but not much.  Now she was really moving her head at almost every new sound.  The thing I really liked was when she heard me talk and looked at me and smiled.  Oh the joy!!  That was a little piece of heaven for "Popsie!"  Her senses were really starting to kick in and the change was noticeable and it made me think," I need to watch what I say in front of her."  That realization really got me thinking about my relationship with Christ and how I use my senses for Him.

Just think about it.  When we accept Christ, He takes our senses and heightens them way beyond what they were before our new life in Him.   He takes our joy and really makes it come alive.  He takes our love and causes it to come from deep within our heart.  He takes our understanding of life, and coupled with His Word, teaches us the secrets of what life is really all about.  In other words, things that before Christ wouldn't have even gotten a response from us, now cause us to notice them and we want to help.  Just like Vera is growing up and her senses are all starting to kick in, so are our senses as we grow in Christ.  That sensitivity will begin to redefine our direction, focus, and who we are in our life and in Christ.  In writing to the church at Ephesus, Paul brought to mind what God would do over a period of time with their senses and how it was all going to fit together.  Great words.....

Ephesians 1:8 He thought of everything, provided for everything we could possibly need, 9 letting us in on the plans he took such delight in making. He set it all out before us in Christ, 10 a long-range plan in which everything would be brought together and summed up in him, everything in deepest heaven, everything on planet earth. 11It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, 12 part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone. 13 It's in Christ that you, once you heard the truth and believed it (this Message of your salvation), found yourselves home free - signed, sealed, and delivered by the Holy Spirit. 14 This signet from God is the first installment on what's coming, a reminder that we'll get everything God has planned for us, a praising and glorious life.
Vera's first installment that I noticed was how she started noticing, really noticing things around her.  Our first installment is when we start noticing more than just our wants, our desires, our needs.  We start seeing the world like Christ sees the world, and everything starts to make sense and fit together.  Here's a given for each of us.  When we accept Christ, the Holy Spirit begins a work that is not world based, but Spirit based.  Tap in on that type of living and you will see the world in a whole new way and, by the way, people will really start to notice the changes in your life as well.

The Pilgrimage continues.....

David Warren

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

S.O.S. Calling Out

A sinking cruise ship only had time to send an S.O.S. before it went down.  Thousands of passengers floated in the water and clung to the hope of being rescued.  Then, when all seemed lost, a charter boat sailed into view.  Soon its skipper and crew were throwing down lifelines and hoisting people safely onto the deck.  However, time was running out and there were still so many who needed to be saved.
The skipper turned around and called out to those who had been rescued to lend a hand, but few bothered.  Most were too busy getting themselves comfortable on the deckchairs – now that they were saved they only wanted to continue their cruise.

Are you cruising?  Are you sitting back in a deck chair on the eternal cruise on the seas of life?  If you are cruising and taking it easy, you are in dangerous waters.  Waters that can turn to stormy seas in a matter of minutes.  Not scared, not wanting to think about it?  You have a lot of company then.  In a time when we as believers need to be reaching out more than ever before, most are sitting in deck chairs and relaxing.  Why?  It could be that we have taken on the form of a lazy, self-centered group of people who want others (including Christ) to serve them.  it could be that we have been lulled to sleep as this ole world rocks along in a rhythm that makes you drowsy in no time.  It could be that we assume we aren't really needed to help others get on this ship to safety, or someone else will do it.  It could be that you are not being challenged to step out of your own comfort zone and step into the work of God.  Whatever it is, you aren't ready for the next storm, and storms are gonna come!!  How will you respond when they do?  S.O.S. We need help?

In Matthew 8 Jesus was testing those who said they wanted to be disciples.  Before he headed out on the sea to go to the other side, a scribe came and said to Him, "Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go."  Jesus said, "foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head." Others continued to say they wanted to follow Jesus, but not knowing what that meant they walked away sad when challenged with the truth of what following Him meant.  He continued on and got in a boat with the disciples following Him.  Sometime later a storm came up and the disciples got scared and seeing Jesus was asleep, they woke Him up and said, "Save us, Lord; we are perishing."  Jesus got up and rebuked the waves and proceeded to tell them they were men of "little" faith.  Little faith.  They did turn to Jesus for help....Not because they had faith.  Because they were scared.  Remember who was in the boat with them!  Jesus, who they were following, who is the Son of God.  They took their eyes off of Him and the security He brings and started reasoning that the waves were out of control.  Little FAITH!
Back to the point....If you are cruising on the boat of life and taking it easy, and a storm comes up quickly and you get scared and wonder if there is any hope.  Pretty soon a safe boat comes up and saves you and you get on board the ship that is secure and safe again.  What will you do next?  Will your fear of the storm drive you closer to Christ, or will you once again sit back and relax and refuse to save anyone else?  If you are a cruiser, then you will sit back in your chair and fall back into your same bad habits.  But, if you are a guardian, you are looking for others to save.  Why?  Because you know what it means to get to the point of going down in a storm and sending out an S.O.S.  You know what it feels like to be "saved."
In the movie The Guardian, Kevin Costner's character knew that every time he went out on a run, it could be his last time.  He was willing to give up his life to save others.  In fact, he did give up his life and saved one more.  No cruise ship chairs when he heard an S.O.S., but he sprang into action.  That became his life.
When we receive Christ we get the "good life",  you know, heaven and all it's perks, but there is one thing we should never forget.  When we get saved, we start hearing and seeing all the S.O.S. signals and we have a choice.  Sit back and let them drown, or reach out to all you can to bring them on board to safety. Christ wants us to be people who have the faith, and share the faith.  Will you be that person??
S.O.S. I just heard another call for us "Guardians!"  Let's go....

The Pilgrimage continues.....

David Warren

Thursday, April 12, 2012

It's Not Butter, It's Parkay!

You've seen the commercial for years, you've probably made comparisons between the two.  Butter or Parkay?  Of course, REAL butter is the best.  Here's another one.  Sweet Tea with REAL sugar or Nutrasweet?  REAL sugar of course!!  Substitutes for the real thing have become a way of life and the desire to make something "just as good" as the real thing is going to keep being a way of life.  A substitute is something or someone that takes the place of something else It's not the original or pure thing, it is a substitute or copy for the real thing.
More and more "substitutes" have been introduced into our culture, to the point that the real thing is much harder to find and more expensive or valued when you do find it.
One thing that can never be duplicated or substituted for something else is encouragement.  Encouragement is one of those things that is so selfless and so pure in it's existence and the impact is amazing when used in it's purest sense.  The definition for encouragement is giving support, confidence, or hope to someone.  We all need confidence.  We all need support.  Yes, we all need hope.  Probably the number one thing we need to spread around as Christians is encouragement.  In the New Testament one man became known as a man of encouragement.  His name was Barnabas and that means "son of encouragement." Here is one example of what encouragement meant to Barnabas and all who knew him.
Acts 11:19 So then those who were scattered because of the persecution that occurred in connection with Stephen made their way to Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to no one except to Jews alone. 20 But there were some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who came to Antioch and began speaking to the Greeks also, preaching the Lord Jesus. 21 And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a large number who believed turned to the Lord. 22 The news about them reached the ears of the church at Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas off to Antioch. 23 Then when he arrived and witnessed the grace of God, he rejoiced and began to encourage them all with resolute heart to remain true to the Lord ; 24 for he was a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And considerable numbers were brought to the Lord. 25 And he left for Tarsus to look for Saul ; 26 and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. And for an entire year they met with the church and taught considerable numbers ; and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.
As you can see, Barnabus made a great impact wherever he went.  He really knew the strength of what encouragement, REAL encouragement, could do.  His REAL encouragement had some ingredients that really made it come alive. 
1.  He rejoiced with others over what God was doing and wanted to see even more done.  He didn't want to be a party pooper.  He wanted to be a party player.  It was his desire to make his encouragement be his act of worship to God.  By injecting REAL encouragement into those he met, he kept them moving forward in the faith.
2.  He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit.   Not PARKAY, real BUTTER.  He was the pure essence of encouragement and it had a greater effect because he was full of the Holy Spirit.  Spirit-led living is a term we throw around from time to time and the effect of it is great.  When it's put in our encouragement to others, it is way powerful.
3. He was in it for the long haul.  When he saw all God was doing he went and found Paul and they came back and taught there for a year.  Once again, not fly by night, but lasting encouragement.  The end result was this.  They started calling the disciples Christians for the first time.  REAL Christians, who were like Christ in everything they did.  
When you think about it, one of the things we hear or experience the least in our life is encouragement.  We still make it through the things we do everyday, but it lacks vibrancy and purpose.  Why?  Not enough encouragement.  Of course, encouragement isn't all, "yes you can do that" because encouragement, REAL encouragement in it's purest sense has to be directional and true.  You don't want to lie to someone as a means of encouraging them.  I had someone ask me a few years ago about a decision to go and serve in a church.  Since I was really "for them" I found out some things about that church and advised against it.  My encouragement was taken as negative, but in reality it was found out later to be on track.  So sometimes the encouragement is not taken well if it is different than what a person wants to hear.  Barnabus had a problem with Paul when dealing with John Mark and they went on different paths because of their disagreements.   Barnabus held to his guns in that encouragement, and was probably right in his read of the situation.  Paul didn't think so.
So, the next time you want to really help and uplift the cause of Christ.  Pray to God at the start of the day and say, "Lord who do you want me to encourage today?"  You will probably find plenty of opportunities and your impact will start to broaden and your life will change.  But remember, be sincere in your encouragement.  Not PARKAY, only BUTTER!!!
John Maxwell said this: 

“Remember, man does not live on bread alone: sometimes he needs a little buttering up.”

The Pilgrimage continues......

David Warren

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What's Your Point?

 Matthew 19 Another day, a man stopped Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?" 17 Jesus said, "Why do you question me about what's good? God is the One who is good. If you want to enter the life of God, just do what he tells you." 18 The man asked, "What in particular?" Jesus said, "Don't murder, don't commit adultery, don't steal, don't lie, 19 honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as you do yourself." 20The young man said, "I've done all that. What's left?" 21 "If you want to give it all you've got," Jesus replied, "go sell your possessions; give everything to the poor. All your wealth will then be in heaven. Then come follow me." 22 That was the last thing the young man expected to hear. And so, crestfallen, he walked away. He was holding on tight to a lot of things, and he couldn't bear to let go. 
Not to long ago I had someone in our church come up to me and say,  "We should do this and this,etc"  I listened intently and thought to myself, "They are really saying they want me to do this."  It's kind of like they were searching on Netflix for a movie that caught their interest and it wasn't in the instant menu and they were telling Netflix, "make it happen for me."  After listening for awhile, I said I would see what I could do and in the interest of putting them off until I could think it over, I wrote it down.  They seemed satisfied that I had heard their "wishes" and had responded with a possible solution.  I noticed a sense of satisfaction on their face when they left, but inside I thought, "why don't they ever come up to me with a burden to give all their life to Christ and thus undertake a ministry themselves to further God's work, not their agenda."
Thus, the rich young ruler, and all the baggage he was bringing to Jesus is seen. When he tried to use his "good works" to impress Him, it was seen.  When He showed he had done just about everything religious, it was seen.  When He came face to face with the reality of really "following" Jesus and all it would entail, it was seen, and understood by them and us.  When he asked, "What's left?" Jesus used this time to share what following Him was all about.  He got the point.  He was holding on tight to a lot of things and couldn't bear to let it go. He walked away........

The point is, Christ is calling all who want bear His Name.  His call is clear, and undeniable.  His call is challenging, but very exhilarating when we commit and follow. He isn't beating around the bush when He calls.  He gets right to the point.  Whatever you are holding on to more than you are holding on to Christ, has to go.  That's the point. Point - A tapered, sharp end of a weapon for battle.  We are called to battle with one weapon, The Word of God.  It is God's Point!!!  It is our strength!!   Allow the sharpness of the Word of God to reintroduce you to a new more directional commitment to Christ. Don't go away rejected because you can't give up the temporal for the eternal!! Get the point?

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, ofboth joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

The Pilgrimage continues......

David Warren

Talk and Walk Prison

James 2:14-17 14 Dear friends, do you think you'll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it? 15 For instance, you come upon an old friend dressed in rags and half-starved 16 and say, "Good morning, friend! Be clothed in Christ! Be filled with the Holy Spirit!" and walk off without providing so much as a coat or a cup of soup - where does that get you? 17 Isn't it obvious that God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense? 
Harry Houdini, the famed escape artist issued a challenge wherever he went. He could be locked in any jail cell in the country, he claimed, and set himself free quickly and easily. Always he kept his promise, but one time something went wrong. Houdini entered the jail in his street clothes; the heavy, metal doors clanged shut behind him. He took from his belt a concealed piece of metal, strong and flexible. He set to work immediately, but something seemed to be unusual about this lock. For 30 minutes he worked and got nowhere. An hour passed, and still he had not opened the door. By now he was bathed in sweat and panting in exasperation, but he still could not pick the lock. Finally, after laboring for 2 hours, Harry Houdini collapsed in frustration and failure against the door he could not unlock. But when he fell against the door, it swung open! It had never been locked at all! But in his mind it was locked and that was all it took to keep him from opening the door and walking out of the jail cell.
It seems at times that the most secure cell for us as Christians is living in the cell of words.  We say one thing, knowing we will do another or not follow through with what we say at all and it frustrates us.  We complain about things that we ourselves would never be willing to help change.  One by one our words trap us into a cell of overuse.  We say more than we should and write checks with our words that we can't cash with real action.  In other words, talk is cheap.  That's why when a person gives you their WORD it really doesn't mean much anymore.  Our word or words don't have value and one of the devaluing elements is a lack of action that matches our words.  Through the years I have had one person after the other say one thing and not do it, or do the opposite with no penalty, no remorse, no change.  Early in my life I would just mark it up to experience and say, "well, I hope I never do that to someone!"  Of course, through the years I have done that.  You know, said one thing and not followed through. It's frustrating and really sets us back when it comes to serving the Lord.  It's like there is a ditch that gets wider and wider between us and serving God, and it keeps us from saying anything for the fear of not being able to produce action.  But just because we mess up from time to time doesn't mean we should put ourselves in a prison of guilt and mediocrity.  God's grace is complete and when we turn to Him, all the past is gone.  The only thing we forget is when we turn to Him and experience His grace, we turn the other way and He has "walking shoes" waiting for us.  Walking shoes that challenge us to walk the talk.  
It's time to get out of the prison of past words and promises made to God and let your faith do your talking by really "walking the walk."  DEF:  Do something!!  Get active and see your life jump into an excited frenzy from the injection of real faith.  A person who commits to this kind of lifestyle can impact the kingdom in an awesome way and then it becomes contagious.
Here is the key to get you out of the prison.  There is no key!!  Like Harry Houdini's story, the door is open.  You may be trying every way in the world to pick the lock, but it is already open because of what Christ did to make you right.  Open the door and commit your faith to works and your talk to walk.  Remember verse 17 and the "in your face translation" Isn't it obvious that God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense.  The Christian walk is not meant to be nonsense, so get out of your word prison and begin to live what you believe.

The Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Just Over The Next Hill...

When I was a child I was very impatient! (of course, all of that has changed) I would want to know something, see something, or expect something almost every other minute.  If we were going to eat...when.  If we were going to the store....when.  When we went on trips, I would ask the question, "how much farther" almost when we got out of the driveway.  Then I would settle in to the long drive and we would play a game where I would count cows with my sister.  The game rules were, if a cow was on your side of the car, you counted them.  The one with the most cows at the end of the trip was the winner.  There was only one catch to the game.  If you passed a graveyard (one you could see from the road) all your cows were dead and you went back to zero.  Believe it or not, the game really made time fly by and it would keep me from waiting until almost the very end of the trip to ask "how far."  Of course, my dad's reply would be, "Just over the next hill, or around the next curve, or after the next overpass."  That would keep me from looking for our destination and sure enough, there it was and the wait was over.  

The early disciples were constantly quizzing Jesus about the future.  They would be concerned about what was going to be happening and how can we do this?  As it was with them, it is with us.  We worry about tomorrow and all it will hold for us.  In Philippians 4:6 Paul wrote to be "anxious about nothing. " So what does God tell us to do?  He tells us to sit back, trust Him, and let Him do the driving and enjoy the journey, when all we do sometimes is "count the cows."  You know, we get ourselves involved with busy things to the point that  when we actually need to learn something on the journey, we miss it because we are distracting ourselves from the journey itself.  I have been in full time ministry for over 30 years and I have been associated again and again with well-meaning Christians who serve, but they are distracted.  They get themselves committed to way too many tasks to take their mind off their journey and weeks become years and years pass by and they are empty!  Why?  They haven't been looking at the road ahead and all it holds.  They look out the side and back transfixed with the game.  They go from a bunch of counted cows (deeds) and then they see a graveyard and they are back at zero.  Then they start counting again, just hanging out until they get to their destination.  Pau wrote to the church in 1 Thessalonians 5 and he told them in verse 21 to "examine" everything carefully  and hold fast to that which is good.  He continued on encouraging them to allow the sanctification process to be made complete until we see that our destination is "just over the next hill!"  In other words, keeping your mind on the journey until Christ returns and then we hit our destination.  Our journey may seem like a long one at times, and you may feel compelled to ask Jesus, "how long till we get there."  Jesus' reply of "just a little while longer" isn't to put you off, but help you realize that time is short and you need to be making the most of the journey while you are traveling.  No games.  A real journey with Jesus as our pilot or driver.  All along the way we will be learning from the Master while on the trip and telling others what we have learned so they can journey with us.   We've got to trust God to make this journey all it needs to be and believe verse 24 where Paul writes, "faithful is He who calls  you, and He also will bring it to pass."

Keep your focus on the journey and don't let yourself get bogged down with the length of the trip.  Anticipate God showing you something new and exciting on the journey today and be looking for what is ahead.   Who needs to count what you've done in a silly game to just have it all burn one day.  Focus on the journey ahead and enjoy what God is doing in your life.  Remember, the end of the journey is "Just Over the Next Hill."

The Pilgrimage continues.....

David Warren

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wax On Wax Off

In the original Karate Kid Mr. Miagi started training Daniel by getting him to wax his car.  Remember, wax on, wax off.  Daniel was restless to learn all he could about karate, but he needed to learn the basics.  He wanted to go from never fighting to winning the championship without going through the necessary steps.  So, wax on, wax off was his training.  He couldn't see at the time that the motion of putting wax on and taking wax off was the exact basic motion he needed to be a great karate fighter.  It wasn't until later, after he had trusted his master, that he saw how it all fit together.  A simple lesson, but a very significant lesson in the art of Karate.

In John 13:1-17 Jesus gives a simple lesson that has a significant effect on all his disciples and all of us.  At the last supper he gets up, takes a basin of water and a towel and proceeds to wash the disciples feet.  In verse 8 Peter said, "Master, you wash my feet?"  Jesus answered, "You don't understand now what I'm doing, but it will be clear enough to you later." (wax on, wax off) Jesus took the time to show his disciples that He didn't come to be served, but to serve.  His act of humility and service showed an inner strength that set the stage for what was to come; His crucifixion.  
Suddenly wax on, wax off means so much more to me.  I can't immediately go to the top of the heap without first being a servant.  It seems so opposite to the world and that's because it is opposite, as it should be.  Jesus also said, "the first will be last and the last will be first."  Sounds crazy, much like Danielson thought when he was asked to start waxing, but it all made sense when he got into the ring.  
Where are you in the area of serving?  Is it something that you easily do or is it a pain for you to do?  Perhaps today you can refocus your energy back to the heart of who you are by finding your service again.  Service that shows the world who Jesus really is!!  Today is Maundy Thursday and it is a day where we remember the Lord's Supper and the service example Jesus shared with His disciples.  In fact, Maundy means "foot washing."  Stop where you are right now and ask God, "Am I a good servant."  If not, change.  If you are, then keep that attitude and let it grow.
I have found out there will always be feet to wash and lives to help.  I need to line up with the attitude of Christ and make every day Maundy Thursday.  Remember, wax on, wax off...Now get in the ring!!

The Pilgrimage continues.....

David Warren

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Just In Time!!

Timing is everything.  In telling jokes, in shooting a basketball, in speaking after listening to someone pour their heart out to you.  The right timing can make or break in any situation.  I was watching a basketball replay the other day of a foreign league game.  On the replay one player came down with a rebound and the other guy swiped at the ball and missed.  The first player turned around and hit the other player in the head with the ball.  After about 2 long seconds, the second player reacted by falling to the ground.  It was hilarious.  I'm sure the ball hitting his head hurt, but I didn't think about that because his reaction was so slow.   He missed the moment of credibility to make us believe he had been hurt.  What could have been a replay showing an out of control player hitting another one in the head, turned into a real laugher because of the slow reaction by the second player.  His timing was way off.  I love watching bull riding in a rodeo and you can tell when the rider is not in sync with the direction the bull is bucking.  He looks all disjointed and ready to fall.  Of course, that's what happens.  He falls off.
When we think about the birth, life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we definitely see one thing.  Timing!!   God's timing is perfect in the happy victorious things and the sad defeated things.  Prophets told of all those things many years before they ever happened, and guess what?  God hit every mark with perfect timing.  It is a major encouragement to know that God's perfect timing is there every time.....but.  When Jesus was born, few knew of it.  When Jesus was teaching, few realized who He really was.  When Jesus died, few realized the significance.  When Jesus rose again, few saw the effect of it at the time.  So many missed the Messiah when He walked by them on a road or street.  He was celebrated by many as He approached Jerusalem, and then totally abandoned during his mock trial.  Through the years many have had the opportunity to accept Him, but still few do.  Many are called to live a life of purpose after receiving Him, yet few remain faithful.  What happened?  We are not ready for God with open hearts and trusting minds.   We should relate totally to the disciples falling asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane because we as Christians we fall asleep at the wheel every day.  Usually just when He needs us the most.  We fall....we fail.....we fall asleep....we complain.....we doubt.....we mishandle His Word......we falter........but.  God's timing is perfect.  Just as He came through on Calvary, He comes through for us again and again with perfect timing.  
So I guess it comes down to us.   Do we trust God's perfect timing by continuing to burn bright for Him?  Do we pass Him by and see Him in someone's life and miss what He is trying to teach us?  Do we love Him one day, but crucify Him the next?  Or do we realize that "Just in Time" He is ready to use us as never before in a most incredible moment of time.  If we are following Him as He has called us to follow Him, our timing will be lined up with His and the world will be impacted by the purity of our commitment and the purity of Him in our lives.  If we have a delayed reaction to responding to Him, it could be a real laugher.  Why?  Because we aren't on edge.  We aren't looking!  Be alert!  Jesus drove this point home in Matthew 10:16 when He said, "Be alert.  This is hazardous work I'm assigning you.  You're going to be like sheep running through a wolf pack, so don't call attention to yourselves.  Be as cunning as a snake, inoffensive as a dove."
He's telling us the same thing today.  As society continues down a dark path, it is time for each of us to be more pure in our commitment to the cause of Christ.  It's time to get smarter by reading the guide book, The Bible.  That way when God's timing is executed for an action by us, we won't miss it and mess it up.
Paul wrote to the Colossians in chapter 3 verse 2.  Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you.  Look up, be alert to what is going on around Christ-that's where the action is.  See things from His perspective.
God is at work.  Look around you and see how you fit into this whole thing and be ready to step up to the plate and swing.  If you are practicing with Him as your coach, your timing will be perfect and you will get a hit every time.  He is always God and always "just in time."

The Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Where Have All the Birds Gone?

There's a story of a baby bird that had a tough time hatching at birth.  This bird's name was Albert and from the beginning he had to fight against all the odds.  Odds like not hatching on time, being partially formed, struggling to eat so he could grow, and many other problems that most other birds wouldn't even be able to handle.  But Albert was different.  He took everything in stride, because he always believed there was a better day ahead for him.  Albert's mother was super protective and was scared of Albert falling out of the nest.  She would not let Albert anywhere near the edge of their nest for fear he would fall to the earth below and not survive.  She protected him from the elements and talked about all the things that were coming his way in the days ahead.  She told him about eating worms properly, about his first flight, and about all the dangers in the forest.  Day by day she would pour information into his little bird brain, and he absorbed it all with great joy.  But the more he learned about life, the more anxious he became about wanting to fly, really fly!  

Every day he would start working his way, when his mother wasn't watching, to the edge of the nest so he could get a glimpse of the floor of the forest.  Then his mother would see him and direct him back to the safety in the center of the nest.  In his heart he knew one day he would get to fly.  He just didn't know when.
Every day his mother would go out early in the morning to get food for Albert, and he would awaken to see her flying back in with the latest worm food creation for him to eat.  It was a special time every morning for Albert and his mother, and he always looked forward to it.  On this particular morning he woke up and noticed his mother was not back yet.  He moved toward the edge of the nest to see where she might be, but to his surprise she was nowhere to be seen.  He waited for what seemed like hours and still no sign of his mother.  Daylight turned to dark as he stayed huddled in the center of the nest, hoping to see his mother fly in at anytime.  She didn't.  He didn't know that his mother had been killed that day by one of the predators of the forest.  She wasn't going to physically be with him anymore.
The next morning he awoke realizing he was very hungry and that something needed to happen to take care of this emptiness in his stomach.  He made his way to the edge of the nest and looked over the edge to the earth below.  The sight was awesome and scarey. Deep inside he realized his mother was not coming back.  He remembered all she had told him about flying and surviving in the forest and even though he was scared, he knew he was going to have to leave the comfort of the nest and fly!  He made his way to edge and raised his young wings and thought to himself, "what next?"  To his surprise, the little branches at the edge of the nest gave way and he was plummeting toward the earth.  His natural instincts kicked in and he started to use his wings to glide and then his downward speed turned into forward motion.  He then started moving his wings to handle the speed of the wind and after a few adjustments he was FLYING!  Albert, the weak little bird who barely lived was flying.  As he flew back over his nest he realized that this was what his mother was preparing him for and now was his time.  This was his beginning!  Now that he could fly, his life started to change.  The dreams of adventures for his life became reality when he started doing what he was made to do. FLY!
In Matthew 10 Jesus sends out the apostles.  He gives them everything they need to share the good news that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. He had been instructing them about what life is really all about and how to handle life from God's perspective.  They were soaking up every word and totally relied on Jesus for everything.  His words of instruction were pure and enriching, and their time with him was comforting and encouraging.  But now He was asking them to go out in His Name and do as He would do.  He also told them to travel light and not worry about the details of money and supplies.  He said, "the worker is worthy of his support."  In other words, fly......not knowing how God would provide, but just trusting Him with the details.  He also warned them about the dangers in the world that they would be sharing this good news in, and that the world wouldn't receive them in a positive way every time.  He wanted them to make good use of their time, because time was short.  He kicked them out of the nest and told them to FLY!  And fly they did.  These lessons learned in Matthew 10 helped prepare them for a time when Christ would no longer be with them.  They learned how to be "the sent!" 
The sent are those who are flyers!  They want to fly, because they love flight.  But the worst thing that can happen to a flyer is to become a flight instructor.  They no longer fly, but tell others how to fly as they sit in the comfort of their nests.  God did not call us to be flight instructors.  He called us and equipped us to be flyers!  Like Albert, there was a lot of effort taken to make sure we survived to the point of having the opportunity to fly.  Now is not the time to quit flying. Are there any flyers out there? If not, where have all the birds gone! NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO QUIT FLYING. Come back to your first love and once again, FLY!

2 Timothy 1:13 So keep at your work, this faith and love rooted in Christ, exactly as I set it out for you. It's as sound as the day you first heard it from me.

 Stretch out your wings, move to the edge of the nest.....jump!!!

The Pilgrimage continues....

 David Warren