Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Carpe Diem

The phrase Carpe Diem is an interesting phrase that we see used from time to time.  It literally means enjoy, seize, use, make use of.  Another way of putting it is just to say, "seize the day."  When I think of seizing anything, I think of grabbing it by force and putting it under my control.  The day can be doing anything it wants, but if I control it, it follows my plans, my focus, my desire.  That's why when you hear a person share about prayer, they will say, "I pray to God first thing when I get up in the morning, before I do anything else."  Now that's starting the day off right!"  Jesus said a LOT about prayer.  He also prayed Himself.  In His moment by moment, in the flow  life, He knew what to do and how to do it.  But remember this, He also knew the WHY!  In his short time of ministry here on earth He went from town to town, life to life, making an impact wherever He went.  If anyone was seizing the day, it was Him!  It wasn't because He was impatient in a bad way, but it was because He was indignant in a good way.  The maker of time Himself, knew that every moment counted.  When He sent His disciples on a task, He expected results from them because He knew they were empowered and enabled to handle almost anything.   Jesus modeled "seizing the day" before them and they were learning, but it was a process. Just look at Peter's failings in his journey to make his time count for good.  He made many mistakes, but one he didn't make was just flailing around hitting nothing.  His steps had purpose and direction and he had learned those steps from the Master Dance Teacher, Jesus Christ.  Like a finely developed dancer, Jesus flowed from one thing to the other, always seizing each moment to do something of value.   If we would look back over the events of His life, we would be able to trace His "life of purpose" and see that it all counted.   He controlled His days!!!  Jesus didn't just let them go by.  He grabbed each day and brought it under His control, so......they counted!  Listen to what Jesus said in Matthew 6:7  "The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They're full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God.

In Matthew 6:14 Jesus said, "In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do."  If we are tuned in to God and really following His direction, that direction will ratchet up our desire to make every moment, every day count for Christ.  No longer will our life be sluggish and without purpose and direction.  We will be on God's schedule and then our days will be under the control of the one who holds time in His hands.  Jesus Christ.
Don't be a time waster!  Seize the day!  Carpe Diem!!  Anyone can waste a day, but only Jesus can fulfill one.  Proverbs 14:7 says it well, " Escape quickly from the company of fools; they're a waste of your time, a waste of your words."  When Jesus sent His disciples out He told them to spend more time with those who accepted their message, but leave those who didn't in their dust.  Seize the day!!!  If everyone is just coasting around and bumping through life, then it means there is no substance to them.  Don't live a life without purpose.  Change your perspective and get your days under God's control.  It's about time!!!

The Pilgrimage continues...

David Warren

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Opinion is Just an Onion with a PI(peeled inside)

Opiniona view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.  Wow!  Isn't that true.  Judged without all the facts.  How many of us have gone through the "judgment mill" and been totally torn apart by someone without all the facts.  Being in ministry for over 30 years has given me the distinct privilege of getting beat to death by half truths from people's opinions.  We run to bad news or the hint of bad news as fast as we can.  We sprint to find out something about somebody, that may or may not be true, so we can be the first to know.  Some people feel like it's their duty to be the judge, jury, and jailer when it comes to information.  And it doesn't even have to be the truth.  No..... No....... we stop there and just go by OPINION!  What is our opinion worth?  Not much if it has any hint of error.  I've come to find out you can't believe the first thing you hear or see.  You need to peel it back(like an onion) to get to the real source of where the information is coming from.  Usually it comes from someone who has been hurt, is jealous, feels unappreciated, or the worst one, they are evil.  You see, we want to have an opinion without having the facts about something.  Why?  Because the facts just minimize how much we can hurt another person at the time.  The facts become secondary and my opinion becomes the truth.   Daniel Patrick Moynihan said it well when he said "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."  Proverbs 12:6 says it even better.  The words of the wicked kill; the speech of the upright saves.   

I am almost (almost) amused when someone tries to tear me down with their opinion when they don't even know my heart or my motives.  They act like they are God, just looking straight into my brain and my heart, knowing all they need to know to judge me.   I just have to ask this one thing, "How do you feel about me when you strive so hard to hurt me?"  My OPINION is "you hate me!  I'm just sayin that the proof is in the pudding.  When you say that to someone they suddenly feel like they are the ones sinning and it causes such a problem for them (in a competitive way) that they don't know what to do.  The tables have been turned.  You want to say, "What's your opinion of that?"  No answer.....
Usually when you go ahead and peel back that onion, you know, peel inside, you see that their heart is hurting and that evil has made a home in it.  In other words, their core is spoiled and that causes all their thoughts to turn poisonous when coming out on top, because they fear being wrong.  You know what God says about being wrong don't you?  Romans 3:23 - "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."  So our conclusion about our opinions should be "if you aren't God, keep them to yourself."  Let me tell you the result of a very opinionated, judgmental person keeping it to themselves.  They will have to get right with God or they will explode.  One or the other.  True honesty with self will have to be realized and the end result will be peace.  Real peace.  They won't have to be God in all these things they hear and know.  The pressure is off!!
Opinions are amazing things that can be used for good when the truth is driving them.  But they can be disastrous when used with bad motives and weak information.  If you want to have the right attitude when wanting to offer them, peel inside to see where the source is coming from.  If it's from selfish motives to gain something for yourself; keep it to yourself and be big for a change.  You will hurt those you supposedly say you love much less, and you will become the encourager God wants you to be.
2 Timothy 3:16 says, "Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another - showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way. There's one sure fire way to find the truth about what's at the core of your onion and that is God's Word.   If you read God's Word and don't come away changed, you've got bigger problems than you realize.  That's just my OPINION!!

The Pilgrimage continues.....

David Warren

Monday, June 25, 2012

God's Heart Detector

I was listening to the news this morning and it seems that the TSA has started upgrading their security scans to the point that they don't even have to pat you down anymore.  How?  They have new very sensitive machines that can scan you at any time you are in certain areas of the airport.  These machines are so high tech that they are going to change the whole way security is done.  Of course, it further emphasizes the point that "Big Brother is Watching!"  I know I appreciate the secure feeling it gives me to know that there is not a bomb on the plane I'm flying.  So, I don't mind someone checking me to see if I have something that is questionable in my luggage, cause I know that it is being done to everyone else.  Some of my friends actually feel insulted to think that someone would question them or frisk them to verify their credibility.   If this new system is all it seems to be, they won't have to worry about that anymore.

Psalm 139 is a scripture that parallels the scan or search issue.   I know it is a great scripture that I personally use when talking about abortion and other issues and praise God that we are so fearfully and wonderfully made.  But....there is a flip side to that whole scripture.  What is it?  God REALLY knows us.  I mean REALLLLLLLLY knows us.  You know what I mean.  He knows it all.  When David wrote this he wasn't saying, "God, I give you permission to scan me and see if everything is all right with me."  God had already been scanning and searching and He knew everything about David's heart.  He saw everything David did and said and knew if his heart was right or not.  When scanning, if God saw something that wasn't right He dealt with it right there.  Just like at the airport.  For me God's pat down search has been pretty rough at times, but I needed it.  I needed it brought to my attention that I had things in my life that weren't cutting it and they were not acceptable for my flight through life.  Sometimes I was even insulted a little when showed my true heart and my lack of real commitment that showed up on God's scanner, but it was necessary for the safety of all.
Now when I read Psalm 139 and see how much God loves me, I also see how much God knows me.  I also realize that His scanner is for my own good.  If I was allowed to just go my own way with no stops my life would be like an exploding bomb and the collateral damage would be horrific.  So now my attitude is like this at God's scanner.  God scan me and see if there is anything I'm carrying that could hurt me.  He will definitely pick it up and He will show it to me and then I can remove it.  Scan complete.  David said it well in verse 1 of Psalm 139 where he said, "O Lord, You have searched me and known me."  Wow!   That kind of search I don't mind.  There is a follow up to that verse in verse 23 where he says, "Search me, O God, and know my heart.  Try me and know my anxious thoughts."  You see, David was known as a man after God's own heart, and since that was the beat of his heart, he wanted God to be constantly scanning his life for improvement.  That's the way it should be for us believers.   Boldly approaching the throne of grace, and then humbly allowing God to scan us to show us how to be more like Him.  David closes the Psalm by asking God to lead Him in the everlasting way.  Guess what that means?  It means, "God, please keep me focused on those things that are eternal, not temporal."   Now that's a great heart.
Think about it.  God is constantly in touch with all that is going on in your life.  From time to time He will pat you down.  Don't resist!  It's His way of showing you what is best and what needs to go on in your life.  Your acceptance of God working, reallllly working in your life, will show your heart.  Will you show a heart that is turned toward God, or one that is running from God.  The scanners are on full power and God is watching!!!

The Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Spiritual Hoarding

My wife and I were on one of our many site seeing trips we like to take from time to time.  As we were traveling down one street we came by a house with a carport filled to the ceiling with "stuff."  As we drove by she looked at me and we both said "Hoarders" together.  I mean they had a little bit of everything in that carport with a makeshift tarp over it.  It was a gold mine for thieves who wanted a quick fix on some product that was still in the original packaging.  In my mind I imagined they probably had more stuff on the inside which made them start storing it outside.  It wasn't until we started watching the TV shows about hoarders that I even knew anything about "hoarding" and the mental aspects of this malady. 

Back in the eighties I had a friend who liked  to collect guitars.  Many different guitars.  I guess he was actually a hoarder as well, but a little more intentional and a lot more upscale.  If he found a different or new guitar that caught his eye he would buy it whether he needed it or not.  When we moved away from there I think his count on guitars was somewhere around 150 and he was poised and ready to buy another if it caught his eye.  The funny thing is he couldn't play them all and didn't even try.  He just liked having them.  Now that's some sophisticated hoarding.  He called himself a collector.  Yeah right!  When you get over a hundred guitars, you are in hoarding territory, pure and simple.

Sometimes I think we are not totally utilizing all the talents God has given us.  We find out that God has a great plan for us and that He has given us natural abilities.  We train and train and then say, "When I get an opportunity I will use this for God."  We go to the next training session or Sunday School class, get challenged and then walk out learning what it means to be a great servant for Christ.  But, instead of following through and committing to serving the Lord with what He has equipped us with, we hoard the talent.  What happens to all those talents and challenges from God that you have hoarded?  They start to stack up!  At the beginning you think, "next week", but next week becomes next year and then eventually you forget.  Those unfulfilled "calls" from God to serve, instead of being a blessing, become a weight on your mind and heart.  Little by little you hoard until it becomes increasingly aware to those around you that you can't be depended on to serve.  Pretty soon you wonder why you can't seem to do those things you used to be able to do and you realize that God has moved on and you haven't.  In Matthew 25:14-30 it tells of two servants who used their talents for God and they were given even more because they had been faithful to give those talents away.  But the last guy with one talent; he buried it.  Buried it!  He assumed the Master was a hard man and that the standard was way to high, so he took it upon himself to "hoard" the talent.  His life became worthless to the Master and He gave his talent to the one who had the most.  You may say, "If I don't use this for God, will He take it away?"  Duh!  Yeah!!  God has a purpose for everything in your life and you not following through with what He has given you will only hinder His plans for you and those you know.  Every person, every talent, every moment is important to God. Every one!!
If you have been hoarding those things God has given you to serve Him, now is the time to clean our your closet and start fresh with real "feet walking" commitments.  That way you won't have all this excess baggage holding you back and holding you down.  Then all your unfulfilled commitments will become fulfilled service to the Lord.  No more hoarding....Just giving away!!!
I hope we never get to the point that people look at us and say, "Hoarders" when it comes to living a God-centered life of purpose.  I also hope they never pass by a church and look at each other and say, "Hoarders!"  We've got to give it away.  The Christian life is much more than just knowing or having.  It is doing!  We need to start doing now!!  I keep hearing preachers preach that we need revival.  I just want to get up in the service and yell, "Then start now, right here!"  Then we can let God get on with it and quit wasting time Hoarding!

The Pilgrimage continues.....

David Warren

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Heart of the Princess

A new film is coming out Friday in theaters entitled "Brave."  My granddaughter Esther Ruth can't wait to see it and her recent trip to Disney caused her curiosity to peak as she waits for opening day.  Of course, with all the advertisements, previews, posters, and media attention it makes me want to see it too.   To see someone break out of the mold of "just getting by" which is kind of the going thing in the kingdom at that time is refreshing to me.  Going with the status quo has become the battle cry of many in the faith family and the thought of bucking that status quo causes fear to resonate in the hearts of many.  Not the lead character in the movie "Brave."  She knows her purpose in life is much larger than what she is expected to do and the drive in her heart causes her to upset one apple cart after another.  But, she never quits believing.  The meaning of the word "Brave" is a person who is ready to face danger and pain.   To be able to be brave means you have to know your purpose in life.  There is an inner strength that demands results from the life we are living to the point of risking it all for what we believe in.

There is an account in Acts 7:54-60 of a man by the name of Stephen.  Stephen was a very strong witness for Christ, to the point of telling the religious leaders of the day the "pure uncut truth."  He had a force driving him to tell all he met about the wonderful hope found in Christ.  One such group he shared with were not happy with what he was telling them and they ended up in a great big argument.  The group that rose up against him was called the Synagogue of the Freedmen.  These men were Jews who were descendants of men freed from slavery.  It would seem they would be sensitive to the message of freedom that Stephen was sharing, but the opposite was true.  Their argument with Stephen took a very ominous turn when they could not stand up to the wisdom and the Spirit in which Stephen was speaking.  So they did what we see done again and again in our world.  They stirred up a group of people and dragged Stephen before the Council, brought in false witnesses and started their attempt to silence him and the Gospel.    Everything was against Stephen, including the religious leaders of the day and he just sat there looking totally at peace, like an angel.  But what he did next is the point of this blog.  When asked to explain why he believed what he did, instead of backing away and recanting, he stood up and told the truth.  He was BRAVE!!  He told them their entire religious history and then indicted their actions against those preaching Jesus and the Messiah Himself.  The words cut their hearts and they were in total disarray, and then it happens..... Stephen looks up and says, "I see the heavens opened up and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God."  That was it.  That was the straw that broke those camel's backs and they cried out loudly to drown Stephen out and rushed him out and stoned him.  His bravery did not go unnoticed.  His message and his life were not in vain.  His sacrifice was not without impact.  Why?  Because they laid their robes, while they stoned him, at the feet of Saul.  Saul who?  Saul who became Paul and became a vibrant witness for Jesus Christ and the person responsible for bringing the Gospel to people like you and me.  What did Saul see as Stephen's life was slipping away?  Her heard Stephen say, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." and "Lord, do not hold this sin against them!"  Then Stephen fell asleep.  The impact of the Holy Spirit seen in Stephen's life started a process that ended in the salvation of Saul and the change in the course of his life.

What was the stand of Stephen called? "Brave!" Who knows where the next brave stand for Christ will happen, and who knows the effect it will have on those who see and hear it.  Who knows what the impact is of those who aren't brave in the faith.  Who fall to criticism, apathy, and fear.  One thing we know for sure from the story of Stephen.  His bravery in the faith and the presence of the Holy Spirit in his life made an enormous impact on the present and our future.  Maybe you are a Prince or a Princess, you know "A child of the King", and you are wanting a confirmation to take a stand, or be brave.  Just open up God's Word and you will see confirmation after confirmation saying, "Stand up and be Brave for the Gospel."  Child, youth, or adult.  It doesn't really matter, because it is in the heart where we find true Bravery, and that is where it grows.  BE BRAVE!!  You are on the movie screen of life and people are watching...

The Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Who's Minding the Sheep?

My granddaughter Addie Grace loves a stop motion British show on TV entitled Shaun the Sheep.  I have watched it with her many times and the sheep are constantly getting in trouble with Shaun (the main character) and Bitzer (the dog) doing everything they can to keep the sheep out of trouble.  The farmer doesn't even realize that his sheep are really very smart and that a whole lot of things are going on without his knowledge.  When he drives into the yard from doing errands he doesn't realize all that has happened behind the scenes and all he sees are his lovely sheep.  Bitzer and Shaun are usually exhausted from having to keep it all together and this happens day after day.  It seems the main problem they have with the sheep is keeping them all together and in the same place.  Usually one thing starts the whole mess and then it turns into another and a huge situation occurs and the sheep are out of control.  The thing that comes across in every situation is that Bitzer and Shaun actually care for the sheep and want them to stay safe.  Their continued caring hearts are seen as they deal with one problem after another.  One particular sheep's name is Shirley.   Shirley is an eating machine and finds many ways to find something she can consume.  The only problem with that is when she gets herself in a fix, it is almost impossible to move her back to the barn.  Shaun devises many different ways to get her back, but every time he has to come up with a new idea that will make up for her heaviness.  He succeeds though and when they are all back together the world is good!

In Luke 15:1-7 the Pharisees and the scribes were grumbling because Jesus really cared for sinners by receiving them and even eating with them.  He shared a "sheep parable" with them about how any man would leave the flock of sheep to go return one lost sheep.  Then when he gets that sheep back home, all will rejoice because he has found his lost sheep.  Then Jesus drives home the point of how we should be caring for the one lost sheep more than those who are already in the flock and safe.  Why?  Because those in the flock aren't lost!  Wow!  What a great parable for those of us who only want to associate with the "saved" or the flock.  It is much safer for us, and much easier, but it lines us up with the Pharisees and those scribes!!  Who wants to be in line with their reasoning?  Not Me!  We meet people who are the lost sheep every day and they don't even know they are lost.  We work with them, eat lunch with them, and even coach sports with them.  We don't even have to look very hard to find them, they are right there with us.  They are lost sheep eating whatever they can of the world to find purpose and hope and they are fat and happy without Jesus.  This is where the power of the Holy Spirit comes in.  When they see Christ in you and experience the hope you have through you sharing your life story, the Lord starts to work on their mind and their heart.  When they see you really care, they respond.  When they hear of a flock that is just over the hill of belief, they realize they really are lost and then it comes to decision time.  Keep in mind.  They would never get to the decision time unless you reached out to them and showed them they were lost.  At that point, you have gone after the lost sheep.  Verse 7 of Chapter 15 is a good result of reaching the lost sheep where Jesus says, "I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner (lost sheep) who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance."  I forgot to mention there is one more character that is a constant hindrance to Shaun and Bitzer keeping the sheep together, and that character is Pidsley.  He is jealous of Shaun and Bitzer and tries to thwart their every move.  In the end, He never succeeds and all the sheep are in the flock, safe and sound.  You may have some tough times getting the lost sheep in the fold, but don't give up.  Jesus has already won!!  Don't let the Pidsley's of life get you off track and keep you from reaching the lost sheep of this world.  Believe it or not, they want to be found.

It's amazing what we can get from a kid's show.  Shirley is the sheep that is always trying to get lost and Shaun is doing everything he can to get her back in the fold.  Maybe we need the attitude of Shaun, and will do anything we can to reach those lost sheep.  I feel an attitude change coming on.   At the end of every show Shaun does a dance where he raises his arms up and down and dances to the music.  If we will reach some lost sheep,  I believe we will be doing the same dance with those in heavenly places over finding one more "lost sheep."  

The Pilgrimage continues...

David Warren

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

She's Three Times a Lady

Years ago the song "Three Times A Lady" was written and sung by Lionel Richie and it became an immediate hit!  He shared that not only was his "lady" special, but she was a triple special lady.  She apparently was quite a lady.  It's always amazing to me how one person can affect another, and then another.  That's the kind of person my wife Andra is and the affect she had on our daughters made her "three times a lady!"   Andra is the type of person to always give her best when doing something to the point of "covering all bases."  When we leave the house she wants everything put up in it's place (in case somebody comes unannounced) and everything clean and complete.  She is the consumate housekeeper and cook and is a great example of what it means to "develop a home" from a house.  But as good as she is in all of that, she is even better in covering every base when it comes to raising her "girls."  Our two girls have grown into beautiful young ladies who love their Lord and honor their husbands.  They set the bar high in their homes by their Godly examples and desire to be virtuous women of the faith.  As we have seen them grow from girls to ladies it further emphasizes the need for mothers to not only "tell" their daughters what is right, but "show" them what is right through example.  That example is not something that comes natural like we might think from any woman.  It comes from a woman who knows and loves God with a pure heart and a willing spirit.  For years we have minimized the role of a Godly woman by slamming God's example and replacing it with a worldly version.  Why?  Because too many don't believe they can live up to it and thus try to water it down.  When in reality we must have more women tapping into the power God gives to each woman when they know Him, truly know Him..  Proverbs 11:16 says, "A gracious woman attains honor" and in that honor a ripple effect takes place in the legacy of our life.  A ripple that starts in the changed heart of a believer is a ripple that affects an increasing amount of those who experience it.  As that ripple continues to spread it starts showing itself in others through time, and that influences generations.  God did a good thing when He created woman and the ongoing affect of women who follow God will mold us into better people who in turn share that goodness with others.  That's why we should always cherish womanhood from a Godly perspective.  To cheapen who a woman is means to cheapen the gift of womanhood God gave from the beginning.  To honor womanhood means to further the legacy God set in place.  As our roles are attacked again and again by those who just don't understand, may it be our heart's desire to lift up and honor women.....mothers......role models who live a life of grace before their husbands, their children, and the world.  

I look at our two daughters and see my sweet Andra in both of them, but I also see someone else.  Someone Andra can never be in their lives.  I see God!  The girls saw it first in their mother and from her example and God's Word they learned it was right for was their best choice and they took it.  So when I look at Andra and Natalie and Jessica, I see not once, not twice, but three times a lady.  A mother passing down a love for God to her girls who will pass it on to their's.  One Andra, now three times a lady. As I look at their children I will look for some of them and a lot of God and all will right.  Now they can have many more times the effect on their children, and their world.  Special ladies with special roles, lived out for God.  Who would ever want less?  I love you girls.  The pic above shows how quickly they grow up and then make their own way.  School is in session.  What are you teaching?

The Pilgrimage continues.....

David Warren

Where's the Fruit?

Years ago Andra and I traveled to Northern California to interview with a church in the Bay Area.  While there, we stayed with a family of native Californians in a beautiful home that made our stay very enjoyable.  Why?  On the first morning after arriving there we came down for breakfast and the couple we were staying with was already eating breakfast and our host was reading the paper.  I noticed the windows to the back yard were open and it was very pleasant in the house with a little breeze cooling off the morning air.  As we approached the breakfast area our host said, "Would you like some fruit?"  We both said yes, and he proceeded to reach out the open window to an orange tree in the back yard and pick a ripe orange from his orange tree.  Since we were from Missouri and orange trees were something we only saw on TV commercials, we were very impressed to the point of me saying, "Wow!  A real orange tree!"  After both of them laughed, I gathered myself and went outside to see numerous fruit trees growing and bearing fruit.  It was a sight I will never forget.  I knew about orange trees and believed they existed because I would drink orange juice from time to time.  But, to pick an orange and eat it right there was almost more than I could handle.  To say the least, their ripe oranges were well appreciated that weekend.

Our host shared with me that their climate was perfect for fruit bearing trees like orange trees, grapefruit trees, and even banana trees.  Unlike our hometown in Missouri, which got so cold at times that nothing would grow.  They enjoyed year around perfect weather for those trees to bear the fruit from the tree that was planted.  The effect would have been much different if we had seen an unusual tree in their back yard with no fruit on it.  He would have explained that everything on the tree was perfect for bearing fruit; the leaves, the branches, and the root system.  But no fruit!  Hmmm.  I would have had to use my imagination to produce the fruit in my mind, because on the tree was everything but the fruit.  It would not have been as impressive as seeing and tasting the fruit at that moment.
In Matthew 21:18-19 Jesus is returning to the city and becomes hungry.  He sees a lone fig tree by the road, and comes to it and finds it has nothing on it but leaves.  No figs!!  Jesus in turn says, "No longer shall there be any fruit from you."   Guess what happened?  The fig tree withered right then and there.  Jesus was very disappointed that there were leaves but no figs or fruit.  Usually if there are leaves, there are figs.  Not on this one.  Jesus' follow up statement sealed the deal, and the fig tree withered and died.
Here are some things to think about from this story:
1.  The tree was made for producing fruit.  We have been totally equipped to produce fruit as believers.  We are a like a tree planted by the water that has all the nutrients to grow into a fruit producing tree.  We have been supplied with a fruit bearing foundation.
2. The leaves showed that growth was happening, but no fruit.  Have you ever felt like you were learning all this stuff about living for Jesus, but that's as far as it gets?  You look like a fruit producer, you wear the rights clothes, carry the latest Bible Version, and attend the most happening stuff available, but no fruit.  No impact on those you meet and no dent into a lost and dying world.
3.  Jesus was not impressed with the outward appearance of a fig tree that had no figs!  We fill churches almost every Sunday with people who have an outward appearance of knowing Christ, but we bear little or no fruit.  Guess what?  Jesus is not impressed with our "religious look."  He gave us power to bear fruit! 
4. Jesus cursed the fig tree and it withered and died.  I am hearing more and more people who are standing up and saying, "We must get back to our first love and stand for Christ."  I have also heard many say that Jesus has taken His hand off the churches that are playing games and playing church with no fruit or growth.  It demands some thought for us as believers.  Are we bearing actual fruit or do we just look the part?  Jesus was fed up with Israel and their rejection of the truth and His cursing the fig tree seemed to be an indictment on their lack of using all that had been given to them.
The world is no different today than it was then.  The world wants to see fruit, real fruit.  Not just a Christian, but a Christian who is bearing fruit.  They could care less about how much we package Christianity, but they definitely want to see fruit to give them hope that it is real.  If Jesus were to come up to you today and look at your life hoping to see real fruit, would He see any? Or would He see someone who looks the part with no real depth or heartfelt commitment?
Just like I was impressed with the real orange tree on our trip to California, a lost a dying world will be won over when they see truth alive and bearing much fruit.  Just like we came to the back yard again and again to pick that fruit from the real tree, they will come to believers who are bearing fruit again and again for hope and salvation.  Are you bearing fruit?  If not, you are not producing what Jesus expects and desires.  You have the roots, and you have the ingredients to bear it.  Maybe there is something that is blocking the fruit from blooming in your life.  Whatever is blocking that fruit producing in your life needs to be taken care of today.  If you are a Christian, then Where's the Fruit!"

The Pilgrimage continues.....

David Warren

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Marathon Man

I remember running track in High School and my events were the 220 low hurdles, 110 high hurdles, and pole vault.  Track was not my main sport, but it was fun and I had some good times with other friends on the track team.  When we went to the away track meets we would all load up on a bus and go to a neighboring school to compete against, as many as, 10 other schools.  It was fun, and I even placed high in some events and won a couple of them.  My events were all centered around speed and not much distance.  When we did endurance training for track I dreaded the extra running and just wanted to be Sprinter Man.  You know, get out there, stretch, run the race, and get it over with.  One of my best friends was in the same boat with me and he liked long distance running even less.  Unlike now, years ago the 3 mile run was not something that was even highlighted and many times was put on the card as the last race of the day.  Our coach didn't know how to train distance runners and he always put all his energy in the sprints.  So, if you got talked into running the 3 mile run, it was just a race to fill the bill.  At one particular track meet my friend and I were packing up after our last race and heading to the bus to wait out the completion of the 3 mile run and then go home.  Before we could get to the bus the coach yelled out our names and told us to come back.  He went in this long rant about "team" and how important representing our school was and then followed it up with the dreaded announcement.  "By the way, you guys have to run the 3 mile run today."  I almost laughed until I realized he was very serious.  My friend and I looked at each other and put our bags down and started stretching.  I had never run this race and really questioned whether I could even finish it.  But here I was walking up to the starting line waiting to hear the gun go off!  To my disgust, the gun did not misfire and the race began.  The "real" runners took off and the speed in which they started a 3 mile run shocked me and my friend.  We made a pact to stay together, talk about our upcoming weekend, finish the race, and then run onto the bus and go home.  For those who don't know the 3 mile run is 12, get it, 12 laps around a quarter mile track.  To say the least, my friend and I had a lot of time to talk at the pace we were going.  We finished the first 4 laps feeling pretty good, and only lapped by about 40% of the racers.  Lap 7 was a defining point in the race for me and my friend.  It was on Lap 7 that we came down the home stretch and he looked at me and said,  "I'm outta here!" and ran to the bus to sit with the rest of the team who were waiting for us to finish.  I remember looking back at him leaving the track and thinking, "I should quit too!"  After running a few more steps, I thought to myself, "There's only 4 more laps after this. I'll go ahead and finish."  As I rounded the corner on Lap 11 my body started talking to me.  It started saying things like, "You're not too young to have a heart attack."  Coming from the mind of a hypochondriac caused my heart to start feeling kind of funny.  I slowed a little, so I could stay alive....Ha!  But then I started hearing voices.  It was all kind of jumbled and I was sure I was going to lose consciousness any minute, but that's when it came to me.  The voices were the sound of my team on the bus begging me to quit and come on.  Even the bus driver started honking his horn to the rhythm of my steps.  Just so you know....I had slowed so much that the other teams were loading up and leaving and a lone time keeper was waiting at the finish line for me.  Between looking at his watch and his stopwatch, I could tell he wanted to go.  I remember crossing the finish line and looking up and there was my coach.  I said, "Sorry coach."  He said three words that summed up the race. "Well, you finished."  We got on the bus to the cheers of my teammates and the horn honking of the bus driver.  All of this for the guy who finished last, but.......finished.

Good finishers.  Wow, we need to be good finishers.  People who start something and see it through until we can't do it anymore and know we finished what we were supposed to do.  In Isaiah 40:28-31 He tells how we get the strength to finish.  We tap into God's strength and when we get tired, He kicks in at just the right time.  When you get weary, He gives you strength.  When you get tired.  He gives you strength.  When you feel like giving up.  He gives you strength.  God is the quintessential Marathon Man.  He enables those of us who are used to sprinting to run races well beyond our capabilities and not only run them, but finish them.  Even in the times when we don't see God's Hand He says in verse 31 of that chapter that if we wait on the Lord we will mount up on eagles wings, we will run and not get tired, and we will walk and not get weary.  Have you fallen?  Get Up!  Finish strong!! He will make us a Marathon Man who finishes races.  He will take those of us who doubt and make us believers that every moment counts.  He will cause us to see things from His perspective as we run this race, sometimes even alone.  We must race, and we must finish.  Whether you think you are able to run a race or not, run it, and finish it.  At the finish line He will lift you up when He says,"Well, you finished."  You are Marathon Man!!

The  Pilgrimage continues.....

David Warren

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

True Love

One of my favorite movies of all time is the movie "The Princess Bride."  The movie is a major tongue in cheek flick that brings great truths about the power of "true love."  All throughout the story true love keeps the young man, who has been supposedly killed, pursuing his true love, Princess Buttercup.  Their love started at a young age where he was just a servant boy who every time she asked for something he would say, "As you wish."  When he said "as you wish" he was really saying "I love you." They were separated because of Prince Humperdinck's  desire to marry Buttercup.  The prince thought he had killed the boy, but the boy's desire to see his "true love", his first love, caused him to escape the clutches of the killer  and begin his journey of defeating one enemy after another.  Except one.  The prince had captured him after going through the fire swamp and his right hand man took him and hooked him up to the machine of pain.  It was a machine that would drain the very life out of him.  They hooked him up to the machine and proceeded to drain his body of all life.  It was over.  But, his two buddies snuck into the dungeon and carried him to a man by the name of Miracle Max.  Miracle Max proceeded to tell the two that their friend was too far gone, and then it happened.  Westley gasped with one last breath two words, "True Love."  Miracle Max then realized there was still hope and he brought him back to life to pursue the one he loved.  Here is one of Miracle Max's great quotes: 

Sonny, true love is the greatest thing, in the world-except for a nice MLT – mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe.


Except for the MLT advice, Miracle Max was right.  True love is the greatest thing in the world.  You think about it.  What drove God to send His Son, Jesus to die for our sins?  True Love.  What drove Jesus to carry the cross up Calvary's hill and die for our sins?  True Love.  What drove a person to share the message of Christ with you?  True Love.  What is the only thing that will win in the end?  True Love.  We shape love into whatever shape we can to make it where we can give the least, believe less, and then bail out on God at the drop of a hat.  That is not love!!  At least not love of God.  It is love of ourselves, and that is the problem.  Love of ourselves causes us to be crude, selfish, haughty, petty, and many other wrong things.  1 Corinthians 13: 4 starts telling what love is by saying, "love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant."  More and more characteristics are given but enough is said in just the first ones.  Let me pick one out; bragging.  As we raised our children we drove home the point of being considerate to others and not to brag.  To let your works do the bragging for you.  When we were teaching them we didn't know those characteristics would be abused by others who were only out to build themselves up.  Others who bragged (even humbly bragging counts) would almost flaunt it in their faces and they would just take it and go on.  Not a whole lot of love in that!!  And those were the Christians!!  But True Love prevailed.  True Love of a Savior who knows what true love is and responds to the expression of it in His children.  We would tell our kids, God knows, and He sees, and He cares.  That is still true today.  Every time God would minister to our kids getting pushed around because of their kind hearts, as they cried out to God in need, He would say "as you wish."  Then He would minister to them and bring them back to life again without scars.  Him saying, "as you wish" was His way of saying, "I love you."  Our pursuit of our first love, Jesus, is an ongoing battle.  Sometimes we get so low and feel like everyone is draining the life out of us, but God brings us back to our first love by giving us a miracle cure.  His grace.  By the way, people still do it today.  You do have facebook don't you?  Enough said!  If you really have true love, then the distortions of those pretenders around you will not stop you from pursuing your first love on this pilgrimage of life.  His name is Jesus, and He is our Prince or Peace.  If you are playing the game of love without a pure heart and you are attempting to build yourself up at the expense of others it might do you good to listen to what Paul wrote to the Romans in 12:9 where he said, "Let love be without hypocrisy."  Wow!  Love without hypocrisy would change everything for everyone for all time.  How does that happen?  John wrote about Jesus saying in Revelation 2:4 to the church at Ephesus and said a mouthful when he said, "I have one thing against you, that you have left your first love."  What's keeping you from True Love?  Love without hypocrisy, love that is not bragging, but uplifting and considerate?"  Pride!!  You went on a journey down a path that seemed right and seemed to build you up, but it is the wrong way.  It led to disobedience and disguised itself in false humility and false righteousness and now even you are confused.  Turn around and run to the Savior and there you will find your True Love.  Need more grace from God?  He says to you, "as you wish!"

 The  Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren

Thursday, June 7, 2012


As we accumulate more and more knowledge and more and more technology we start to see that things that used to be amazing are kind of normal, or even passe' today.  I remember back in the 70's not even having a computer.  In the 80's we had limited access to information, but we could do spreadsheets and word documents.  In the 90's the internet became a reality, but we could barely "get mail."  In the early 2000's we realized we needed more memory with all the information that we were piling up.  And now in 2012 we can access information from anywhere at the touch of a button.  It's amazing how far we have come, but how little we know.  We acquire knowledge, or should I say test scores, and we immediately think we are highly intelligent and ready to handle the big things in life.  But in reality knowledge has to be applied through experience and maturity to move into the realm of wisdom.  Knowledge unused is dead and learning something is the first of many steps to it being helpful to our lives.  Even Bible Knowledge has to be filtered through hearts that God has equipped to handle it.  The Bible calls that discernment and discernment is not something we see a whole lot of at this point in our history.  Even with the improvement of the computer over the past few years we still lack in using information in a quality way.  It comes back to the instructor and then of course, the learner.
It's not so different from how we apply what we learn from God's Word.  If we would apply just a portion of the great wisdom the Bible gives us and use it for God's Glory we would leap forward in our understanding of how this whole thing works.  People would want to access our wisdom and would want to know how to acquire it.  We would become the latest IPAD, with brilliant speed and great information as to the mysteries of life.  I guess you could call us IBIBLES because the Word of God would be found living in us, ready to access at the push of a button.  To push our button would be to ask us about this hope we live in right now. Peter wrote these very words as he said in 1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.  So, to acquire knowledge and use it to live our lives and then help others is the right thing to do.  Right?  Then why don't we have more Christians meeting together regularly to discuss the Word and encourage each other in the faith?  Why do we have to wait for a yearly Beth Moore Conference or Men's Conference to get our "Bible Fix?"  That's a good question that needs to be answered by us all.  In John 3, a very learned, religious man came to Jesus asking Him about eternal life.  Jesus imparted the pure truth to him, but he could not get it.  He had enough "school" and "church" knowledge to kill a horse, but he could not understand the thought of being "born again."  Of course, the first hint that Nicodemus didn't get it was when he said in verse 2, "We know you have come from God as a teacher."  He didn't get it that he was talking to the Son of God.  The Son of God told him that it was through the Spirit you must be born again.  Nicodemus asked him how these things could be and then Jesus brings the truth to reality when He says, "Are you a teacher of Israel and do not understand these things?"  Then Jesus says something that should be an encouragement to all who are "born again."  He states that He came from heaven (you know the place where we are going) and that is where this knowledge comes from.  Wow!  If I was in a group of guys and we were all bragging about our accomplishments in life and at the end of all our bragging Jesus steps in and says, "heaven....been there done that" it would turn heads.  Much like it did when He shared this truth with Nicodemus.  He didn't leave old Nick hanging though as He shares one of our most beloved scriptures with him. John 3:16 is shared and the whoever brings it back in to Nick's court.  Scripture doesn't say whether Nicodemus was born again at that time, but the truth, the pure truth was shared that day by the Son of God who had gave him the ultimate wisdom.

Here's a challenge to all of us "students of God's Word."  How about we start reading the Bible and allowing it to speak truth to where we are now and where we need it in the days ahead.  Our approach to life will be so different when that happens.  Every moment will become an opportunity to share real wisdom with others, just like Jesus did.  Every relationship will deepen and become more open and honest, just like the ones Jesus met.  Every time we step out on the playing field of life we will be ready for anything, just like Jesus.  Then when someone says, "How do you know all this wisdom?"  You can say, "I am a wisdom walker."  

The Pilgrimage continues......

David Warren

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

D Day is Today

Today is the anniversary of the D Day Invasion that took place in 1944.  Thousands of lives lost and millions of lives released from the tyranny of Adolph Hitler.  Free nations expressing our desire to share that freedom with those who were under the bondage of the evil one.  Our forefathers were willing to give their lives so others could be saved and FREE.  This sincere expression of sacrifice still impacts our world today as we live in the freedom they so valiantly fought for on the shores of Normandy and the interior of France.  A force so committed to that freedom that all the enemy threw at them could not stop them.  A terrific price paid for freedom and a legacy of "holding the line" and then advancing to complete, not partial, victory.  We will forever say "thank you" to those who gave their lives for our freedom and today in our memories is D Day.  Some of the facts are listed below:

The Normandy beaches were chosen by planners because they lay within range of air cover, and were less heavily defended than the obvious objective of the Pas de Calais, the shortest distance between Great Britain and the Continent. Airborne drops at both ends of the beachheads were to protect the flanks, as well as open up roadways to the interior. Six divisions were to land on the first day; three U.S., two British and one Canadian. Two more British and one U.S. division were to follow up after the assault division had cleared the way through the beach defenses.
Disorganization, confusion, incomplete or faulty implementation of plans characterized the initial phases of the landings. This was especially true of the airborne landings which were badly scattered, as well as the first wave units landing on the assault beaches. To their great credit, most of the troops were able to adapt to the disorganization. In the end, the Allies achieved their objective.
It's amazing that with all the plans and all the preparation, when they were put into practice so many of them fell apart and disorganization and confusion caused many problems in the initial phases.  One thing after another went wrong and the best laid plans were falling apart, but one thing kept it all together.  The MEN!  Those men on the shore learned quickly to adapt to the changing landscape and quickly devised ways to work around the problems and make their way up the beach to secure the cliffs.  All in all paratroopers were having to adapt to landing in the wrong zone, many times in the midst of enemy troops.  Their on the fly adapting to the situations around them took what could have been a disaster and turned it into a victory.  One thing they were not going to do was go back.  Their advance in the face of a strong war machine proved fruitful as they continued the attack on the Germans.  Before long the enemy folded and the war was won.
I'm sure they got tired, lonely, scared, and many times disenchanted, but they kept on.  I think many of us who know Christ are seeing more and more believers getting tired, distracted, and even to the point of giving up.  The religious flavor in our mouths has taken over the purity of our relationship with Christ and it just doesn't cut it anymore.  Jesus spoke to this in Matthew 11:28, "Are you tired?  Worn out? Burned out on religion?  Come to me.  Get away with me and you'll recover your life.  I'll show you how to take a real rest."  Getting away with the Lord doesn't mean we just quit!  It means we get back to the reason we live, or exist.  As soldiers of the faith we know God's Plans and we know He is going before us as we advance on the evil one.  Sometimes things change and we need to be able to adapt so we don't shut down.  If we are trying to adapt from the wisdom of religion then we are not going to be able to make it. If we are adapting with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, then nothing will be able to stop us.
In the same way that America responded to the outcry of Europe, God responds to the outcry of His people.  He is available to help, to heal, and to uplift.  We are a part of an invasion that has been going on since Christ commissioned the Church and those who have fought before us learned to adapt to society in such a way as the keep the message strong.  Jesus Saves!!  
God is here with us and He is leading us through the obstacles of life, but we must have a purity in our relationship that bypasses all of man's perceptions and hones in on God's perceptions.  That can only be done through prayer.  You may not know what to pray right now, but God will help you.  Paul wrote to the Romans in 8:26 by saying, "Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter.  He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans."  Just in the same way those men on Normandy beach urged each other on in the midst of circumstances they didn't know how to handle.  Christ continues to urge us on when we don't even know what to pray.  We serve a complete God who is here and helping.  Ask Him to help you adapt to the situations you are going through in your life so you can continue to fight and reach victory.
Today is our D Day!  DESPERATION DAY!!  Are you desperate for God to help?  Then you have taken your first step toward victory.

The Pilgrimage continues......

David Warren

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What Is the Melody of Your Life?

Melody - the principle part of harmonized music

I'm a songwriter and musician and I love music in almost any form.  I like to see creative things done with songs and do some creating myself on a regular basis.  I play keyboard and guitar and have a pretty good understanding of music in it's form and function.  When thinking about music there is a MELODY and there is ACCOMPANIMENT.  When you hear a band play a song they will shine on the accompaniment part with guitars playing chords, bass playing a bass line, and other instruments blending to make the background or accompaniment build "the body" of a song.  They can actually jam on a song and never even have a melody note played.  They are playing the form or body of the song and it sounds great, but the heart of the song is missing.  What actually makes the song a song is the melody. The melody is the most important part of a song.  Why?  It is the individual note expression of the song itself.   Being a songwriter I have written songs from every angle; play a melody and add chords, play chords and add a melody, write some words and do both of those after I've put that down.  All in all the formation of a song has many different elements, but the thing that gives the song it's identity is the melody.  I am always amazed when I hear a very subtle background on a song and then a simple melody is highlighted and how it causes me to really listen to the song.   Much more so than a huge orchestra or band production that is pleasing, but not very personal at times.  The simple, pure melody is what draws me to truly listen to the essence of the song and then it captures me!  My heart is stirred and my ears are straining, wanting to hear more.  That's the effect of a melody.

Which brings to mind.  What is the melody of our life?  It's sometimes hard to hear because the overall background music of just living is so loud you can't hear our melody anymore.  Of course, I don't want to get mystic here, but don't we actually let our melody get drowned out by just living repetitious life?  I believe we do.  I actually think that God puts a life melody in each of us when we receive Him and that melody is sweet and alluring for those who are searching for their life melody.  Before long though the rush of life and the constant din of the noise of life starts to make our melody lose it's volume and it's presence.  David wrote in Psalm 89:1, "Your love, God, is my song, and I'll sing it!!  I'm forever telling everyone how faithful You are."  Wow, some great words about the melody in David's heart.   Without getting too sappy, I want to say that the melody God puts in each of our hearts, is a melody of a loving Father who sent His Son to give everyone a song in their heart.  That's it!  That's your melody.  If you will take away all the accompanying music, like church attendance, tithing, serving, reading the Bible, and many other things we make "duties," you will hear your melody again.  When you hear it.  Really listen to it.....I mean really listen to it.  In the midst of all who have come to faith in Christ you will see that your melody is different than anyone else's.  Why?  Because He made you totally unique.
A closing warning would be; don't fall into the trap of just doing Christian things to find yourself in God's Kingdom.  Find your melody (find yourself) in the presence of a Holy God who loves you desperately and see who you are to Him.  I think I hear your melody coming back.  I'm just sayin.......
Then, this a big BIG then.  You will want to be a part of serving God, and giving to God, and living for God, and learning about God, and loving God.  Not because it's what all other Christians do.... But because that is who YOU are.
God will even name and publish your song to the world you live in.  Paul said it all in 2 Corinthians 3:3 when he said, "Christ himself wrote it-not with ink, but with God's living Spirit; not chiseled into stone, but carved into human life- and we publish it." Let your melody ring from the rafters; "I am loved by God and He created a new life in me!!"

The Pilgrimage continues......

David Warren

Monday, June 4, 2012

Time Lapse Photography

I'm sure you have seen time lapse photo.  It's where a camera is set up at a specific site and takes pics every few minutes to show the progress of possibly a building or a flower blooming.  It's really cool to see something form out of nothing and it also shows the importance of incremental additions to anything.  It helps us realize that time and the best use of it is so important to the growth of our Christian lives.  If we could go back and see little snippets of our lives and decisions we made we would be amazed at how important those decisions shaped our future.  We would also see how temporal decisions affect us for a lifetime.  If you could look back at your life and see your time lapse growth as a believer, what would you see.  Would you see a significant move toward Godliness after accepting Christ?  Would you see actions that totally mirror the Word of God.  Would you see yourself dealing with issues of faithfulness and sticking to a commitment when all others fall away?  Would you see a lot things you completed that you started or would you see a whole stream of unfinished business?  It would be daunting to look and see how all of the times we have fallen back from our faith in the name of self.  Of course, we who know Christ have the mercy that only God can give and we live every day out of that mercy.  But should we learn from the mistakes of the past and remember them as a stimulus to live a better, wiser life?  I believe so.  It seems so easy also.  If you made a decision to do something and you can see it was from the wrong motivation and actually hurt your life progress, here is the answer.  Don't do it that way again!  God's mercy kicks in, but God's wisdom teaches us from it.  If we don't learn from those incremental mistakes of the past then the mercy does not fully affect our life in the way it should.  What are you learning today as you live?  If you don't go to God and His Word for living principles you are out there on your own "winging it."  The sad thing about it is "those wings don't fly very good."  
Make the most of every opporutunity for growth.  Put yourself in a position of accountability with another believer and learn from God together.  We are all in this pilgrimage together and every moment is precious for building our future.  Put yourself in God's hands and follow His Word and see what kind of house God will build in your life.  It will be one of awesome purpose and direction and a light for all who see it.  Ephesian 5:16 says, "Be redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is." The camera is taking pictures of every moment as God builds our faith and grows us in His grace and wisdom.  Be wise by starting off your day with Him and ending your day with Him.  One day you will look back on that kind of life and rejoice as God has shown what it means to have the abundant life through you.

The Pilgrimage continues.....

David Warren