The phrase Carpe Diem is an interesting phrase that we see used from time to time. It literally means enjoy, seize, use, make use of. Another way of putting it is just to say, "seize the day." When I think of seizing anything, I think of grabbing it by force and putting it under my control. The day can be doing anything it wants, but if I control it, it follows my plans, my focus, my desire. That's why when you hear a person share about prayer, they will say, "I pray to God first thing when I get up in the morning, before I do anything else." Now that's starting the day off right!" Jesus said a LOT about prayer. He also prayed Himself. In His moment by moment, in the flow life, He knew what to do and how to do it. But remember this, He also knew the WHY! In his short time of ministry here on earth He went from town to town, life to life, making an impact wherever He went. If anyone was seizing the day, it was Him! It wasn't because He was impatient in a bad way, but it was because He was indignant in a good way. The maker of time Himself, knew that every moment counted. When He sent His disciples on a task, He expected results from them because He knew they were empowered and enabled to handle almost anything. Jesus modeled "seizing the day" before them and they were learning, but it was a process. Just look at Peter's failings in his journey to make his time count for good. He made many mistakes, but one he didn't make was just flailing around hitting nothing. His steps had purpose and direction and he had learned those steps from the Master Dance Teacher, Jesus Christ. Like a finely developed dancer, Jesus flowed from one thing to the other, always seizing each moment to do something of value. If we would look back over the events of His life, we would be able to trace His "life of purpose" and see that it all counted. He controlled His days!!! Jesus didn't just let them go by. He grabbed each day and brought it under His control, so......they counted! Listen to what Jesus said in Matthew 6:7 "The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They're full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God.
In Matthew 6:14 Jesus said, "In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do." If we are tuned in to God and really following His direction, that direction will ratchet up our desire to make every moment, every day count for Christ. No longer will our life be sluggish and without purpose and direction. We will be on God's schedule and then our days will be under the control of the one who holds time in His hands. Jesus Christ.
Don't be a time waster! Seize the day! Carpe Diem!! Anyone can waste a day, but only Jesus can fulfill one. Proverbs 14:7 says it well, " Escape quickly from the company of fools; they're a waste of your time, a waste of your words." When Jesus sent His disciples out He told them to spend more time with those who accepted their message, but leave those who didn't in their dust. Seize the day!!! If everyone is just coasting around and bumping through life, then it means there is no substance to them. Don't live a life without purpose. Change your perspective and get your days under God's control. It's about time!!!
The Pilgrimage continues...
David Warren