Don't you just hate waiting? I've gotten better at it over the years but I still don't like to do it. Someone in a car in front of me at a stoplight may pause when a light turns green, but after 3 seconds of grace, it's on!! I remember years ago waiting for my dad to bring home a two-wheeled sulky for me to hitch up a little pony I had called Stubby. He told me he had found what I wanted and he was going to get it on this trip to Memphis. Good thing we didn't have cell phones, because I would have burned one up calling to see where he was about every 30 minutes. Of course, he was late. He decided to make a stop on the way home that turned into a two hour ordeal. It didn't mean that much to him to be late, but to me.....AGHHHHHH! I was so impatient and mad about him being a little later than expected usual that it almost ruined me getting the gift. NO PATIENCE. If ever a group of people should be able to be patient, it should be believers. Just think about how many times Christ is patient with us as we work and plow our way through something we got ourselves into. Think about the amount of patience it took when His disciples just could not get the point of the whole thing. But, He was patient. I truly think patience isn't something we just wake up one day and have. I believe it is much deeper than than. It's one of those core things we must learn, but sometimes have to fail in a few times before we get it. Paul in writing to Timothy in Chapter 1 verses 12-17 sets up a great "patience scenario." This scenario hits deep in my heart about the subject of trusting God. Patience. associated with trust God? You bet!

In verses 12-15 Paul tells how much he appreciates Christ giving him the strength to serve. He goes on to remind Timothy that he was a blasphemer, a persecutor of the church, and a violent person. Yet Christ didn't give up and His grace and mercy impacted Paul in an incredible way. He further affirms that Christ came into this world to save sinners. He admitted he was one of the worst ones. Paul upon self examination remembered the patience Christ had for him and shared with Timothy that he was a living example of that "perfect patience." Hmmmm, perfect patience. I'm a long way from there for sure. But, boy I am sure glad I got the benefit of that perfect patience as Christ waited for me to surrender to Him and His will. Because of His "eternal patience" I am heavenbound and earth walking with Jesus. In reality, we are ALL examples of God's patience and mercy and living testimonies of patient grace. Like Timothy, we have seen it in others lives, but now must realize the purpose of it in our lives. The purpose of us realizing his patience in my life is to turn on "the switch." You may ask, "what switch?" The light switch! It's the switch that controls a light that shines through each believer who realizes how good God is and then glorifies Him with their life. The light is Christ and the switch is us receiving our marching orders and letting that light shine through us. When we step into darkness, we hit the switch and the effect of Christ in our life lights the room. Not us....Him! The light that is shining is a new kind of patience that is reflective of the grace and mercy and trustworthiness that only Christ can give. It's immortal, invisible, and only from God. Let Him be reflected in you and allow His great patience toward us be seen through us. People will notice and God will be glorified.
The Pilgrimage continues....