Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Repairing Fences Mountain to Mountain- A Parable Part 1

A man was out working on his ranch in the mountains of California one day and instead of taking his four wheeler, he decided to walk the fence line of his property for exercise.  As he set out he felt really refreshed and ready for the long walk up one hill and down the other.  He walked at a rapid pace and checked each of his fence connections and repaired those that were weak or questionable because he knew that his cattle would find a place to get out if each place in the fence wasn't secure.  As he went along working the fence he began to feel very fatigued and it concerned him because he knew he had two more very big mountains to go over before he made it home.  His attitude about the fence also began to change as he started to be more concerned about survival than just finishing his fence repair.  He lifted up the water bottle he had been drinking from and drank the last few drops.  Even though they refreshed him, he knew it was the last drink he would get until he was back at his ranch.  He thought to himself, "I am going to sit down for a few minutes to give my legs and my lungs a rest so I can make it up the last two mountains and make it home."  He began to think about his decision to walk the fence line instead of riding the four wheeler and doubt about his decision began to creep in.  Then he began to doubt whether he would make it home or not and thought of a back up plan in case he failed.  When the back up plan was devised in his mind his strength seemed to drain even more and doubt began to affect his breathing and his leg motion.  He had basically convinced himself that he really wasn't going to make it and because of his inner thoughts his body began to shut down quickly.  Desperately he called out to God and said, "Dear Lord, I cannot make it over these last two mountains without you.  To His amazement God answered him and said, "I know you can't.  But I will help you."  God proceeded to tell him what  to do and His words were, "Admit you cannot do it without me and stand up and start walking."  The rancher thought this wasn't much help at all, but he was desperate so he did as God said.  He said, "God I can't do this without you" and stood to his feet and started walking, still checking his fence.  God said, "Keep walking and keep checking your fence.  You will see  your home before  you know it."  Just keep walking and I will give you strength."  
As the rancher went up the first of the remaining two hills he noticed there was a big hole in one of the fence sections and even though he was tired he took the time to stop and repair it.  After repairing it He felt stronger and proceeded over the first of the two mountains and started down the back side of the mountain.  He was surprised how energized he was, even though the God of the universe was giving him strength.  He thought, "Maybe if I keep talking to God He will give me more strength as I go."  So He continued to walk one step at a time and talked with God all along the way.  As he approached the valley between the two mountains he saw a creek had formed in that valley and the water was flowing over rocks to he stopped and took a drink, knowing that the water was okay to drink. When he stood up from drinking the water his eyes suddenly brightened and a new formed strength came upon him and he continued walking and checking fence and repairing the weak places in the fence.  God continued to talk with him all along the way up that final mountain and little by little he began to be renewed and strengthened.  It started to get dark, but his enthusiasm kept him seeing clearly ahead and the sun going down actually began to light his way and his conversation with God kept him focused on taking one step after another up the steep incline of the last mountain.  Before he knew it He was at the top of the last  mountain and he could see his ranch.  His energy went through the roof and he actually started to run down the mountain toward his ranch....home.  As he was running he was praising God in a one on one conversation that pleased the Lord and his praises lifted from a voice that was stronger than went he started his trek.  When he arrived at his barn he noticed a light on in the back stall sand went in there to find his wife on her knees praying for his safe return.  He didn't want to interrupt her prayer, so he just stopped and knelt and listened as she prayed.   Her prayer continued "Lord, I don't know why you have impressed on me to pray for my husband but please bring him back safely to me. Please, Lord protect him."  The rancher began to weep and his wife turned and saw him and praised God for his protection and for bringing him back to her.  He asked her, "What prompted you to pray for me.  You couldn't have known I was struggling out there."  She said, "God told me to pray for you and I couldn't help but get involved in your struggles."  From that day on both of them learned that relying on God is something they must learn to do and praying to God is their connection to that power.  Paul wrote to Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:7  "For the Spirit God gives us does not make us timid, but give us power, love and self-discipline."  

The rancher had a task to do and God knew that, but God also knew he would get weak and possibly not even make it home.  So God showed up when the rancher cried out for help and God brought him home, plus helped him repair his fences.  God showed the rancher's wife the significance of her prayers and she became a part of the solution not the problem.  The couple learned that they needed God in the good and the bad times and that the work at hand was beyond their strength and abilities, so they relied on God "completely" and finished the task at hand with God strengthening them. One thing about fences. You have to decide which side of the fence you are on. We cannot straddle the fence. Being on God's side is vital for each of us. Keeping the fence in good shape keeps us from trying to get things from the other side of the fence for our nourishment. On our side of the fence we don't have all flat ground or downhill slopes. We have mountains to climb, and we have to climb those mountains and keep repairing that fence. We will get tired, but our strength comes from the Lord and He travels with us all along the way. When we go through valleys God gives us nourishment so we don't stay in the valley and God gives us strength to climb out of that valley. God also reminds us that we travel step by step in faith, but always moving forward no matter how tired we are or how daunting the task ahead. On this journey we learn to depend totally on God or we fail again and again. God is always trying to get us to follow Him, especially in our failures, and hopefully we begin to rely on Him completely and see the journey continue on. This undeniable truth was shared by Paul to his "son in the faith" Timothy. Paul, a man on mission for God mended and built fences and kept on moving forward doing more and more for Jesus, whom he had just met on the Damascus Road in a brief encounter. When Ananias laid his hands on Paul's blind eyes the scales fell off Paul's eyes, and he, for the first time, really was able to SEE! That vision was courtesy of the Spirit of God and Paul began his journey. His reliance on the Holy Spirit was what fueled his life and ministry. We cannot do anything apart from the Spirit of God and our reliance on the Holy Spirit will fuel our lives and set us on the same course as Paul as we are poured out daily as drink offerings for God's use.  Here is the plan: 1. Accept Jesus as Savior and Lord 2.  Begin your journey of faith and growth in conjunction with His Holy Word.  3.  Spend time talking to God and listening to God and He will strengthen you.  4.  Learn from your lessons in life and use those lessons to give you wisdom in the days ahead. 5. Keep your fences mended and stay on course through the mountains and the valleys; God is there through all of them. 6.  Be a good finisher with God's Strength.
Spmetimes I see mountains that make me wonder if I can still climb them or not.  I CAN!!  How do I know that?  I trust in God for my power and he always comes through.  Time to get on your journey and start mending fences and walking the walk of the Way.  God is waiting to be your guide on this great journey of faith.

The Pilgrimage continues....]

David Warren

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Sweet, Smelling Bouquet

Proverbs 16:24 - Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.  Everybody likes words of encouragement.  In fact, encouraging words are great for inspiration, challenge, and overall good stuff!!  As the above scripture says, "they are sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."  Encouraging words have set into motion great victories in life purpose and great comfort during troublesome times.  So, encouraging words are a must for each of us and great strength for the one giving them and the one receiving them.  The quality of words must never be watered down or minimized by overuse. The flippant way we sometimes look at them can water the effectiveness down.  So, don't say something if you don't really mean it!!  When we do that we are attaching a lie to a hopefully effective retort.  Let's take a little deeper walk into this word thing.  Truthfulness is a great step of maturity for all people, but especially for believers.   Our truthfulness must come form a pool of sincerity and love.  That pool is formed when the spring of the Holy Spirit begins to fill the empty spaces in our soul with forgiveness and healing, and the Lord.  Thus, we are changed from the inside out.  Hillsong Worship has a song entitled "From the Inside Out" and some of the lyrics are as follows; Your will above all else my purpose remains.  The art of losing myself in bringing you praise, Everlasting your light will shine when all else fades never ending Your glory goes beyond all fame.   In my heart and my soul, I give You control consume me from the inside out Lord Let justice and praise become my embrace to love you from the inside out.  
Wow, Lord fill me to the top!!!  When you are filled with the Holy Spirit your words take on a new importance and mission.  I have a problem talking and then thinking, so I bypass the pool I need to be drawing from and I draw from a much different, more fleshly pool.  Not good.  Part of my journey as a believer is God taking my heart and redirecting my thoughts and what I say into that better pool that is filled with the Spirit.  In my desire to be more like Jesus I must tap into that pure water source for what I say and what I do.  Two words that have been compromised in their use that are very prevalent for many of us and those two words  are "Love Ya."  Love Ya is a weak substitute for the three words "I love you."  When we say the three word phrase it takes on a much more serious meaning and can sound like we really do love that person.  It brings it down to a connection between two people  "I"  love  "You."
That really fine tunes the phrase.  "Love Ya" is used by total strangers the first time they meet sometimes and the over use of those two words can cheapen the real meaning and  connotations that come with the words "I Love You."  I have heard greeters at church say them to people they meet when they greet them and it causes me to cringe when I think about how much it cheapens the words that must have a heart meaning attached to.
In our pursuit to say "something" instead of something of "value and meaning" we can make the words less effective by over use and misuse.  When I say "Love Ya" to my wife, whom I do love very deeply, I mean it.  I am really saying, "I love you."  In the movie Princess Bride every time Westley said the words "As you wish" he was really saying "I love you."  He loved Princess Buttercup and his heart to serve her was his way of saying "I love you."
And so it is with our relationship with God and with others.  Instead of saying "love ya" and not serving, we should serve and thus say with our life "I love you" or "as you wish."  Then our words will have depth when we say with our actions "love ya."  Those actions will really mean "I Love You" to Jesus.  That's what Matthew 25:40 is all about.  If you have done it to the least of these you have done it to me, Jesus says.  Not just words, like this blog, but action.  James said it well in Chapter 2:18 where he says, "Someone may well say, You have faith, and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works."  This works for words also.  
May we start over living and under using our words so that our words have "meat" and meaning and leave an indelible mark because of what we are doing instead of what we are saying.  As we focus on Valentine's Day this might be a good time to make some life adjustments in the area of words and action and reverse them if they are out of wack.  Then what we say with words or flowers will have much more meaning and be way more effective for the building up of others.  Then these words will have a sweetness about them mentioned in the Proverbs 16:24 verse.  Remember, Jesus said "I love you" when He went to the cross.  Let's just take it from there......The ultimate valentine bouquet of love.  Like a rose trampled on the ground. You took the fall and thought of me Above All.  Now,that is love.

The Pilgrimage continues...

David Warren

Friday, February 10, 2017

Christ-God Became a Man - This changes everything!!

How does this change everything?  In reality it makes all of our so-called benevolence pale in comparison to what God did in becoming a man, namely Jesus Christ.  Our world is caught up in the benevolence attitude and that does help those who are in need, but that benevolence is a weak effort for what God calls each believer to do in taking up our own cross.  Paul alludes to the attitude of Christ in Philippians 2:7 where he says, "but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men."  So the question that might come out of this statement would be "How wealthy was Christ?"  "Was He a rich man, middle class, or poor?  For someone who was willing to give His life we might conclude that Jesus was not very wealthy in monetary terms.  So if Jesus was to react to our world condition today how would he help those in need?  Of course, we know He already reacted to the condition of the world today by dying on the cross and defeating death, hell, and the grave and giving salvation to "ALL" who come to him in faith.  But in real life terms, from what base would He derive help from?  If Jesus had a lot of money, how much would he give away?  All of it?  Then He would be living in poverty Himself.  Our common sense would cause us to say, "Oh He wouldn't do that.  That wouldn't be very wise use of the money He had."  If He were middle class like most Americans, what would he do to help the poor?"  Jesus would probably give up all creature comforts and use that money to help as many poor people as possible.  If Jesus was poor, how could He help get support for those who are needy?  He would probably do without some of His meals to give to those who had  no food.  I know this is a stretch for some of you to think about, but it could possibly be an important question for an affluent life to ask if they know Jesus and want to minister as He would.  
Our country makes an effort to reach those who are needy and welcome them into our country.  The poem written by Emma Lazarus was written for a fundraising benefit for the Statue of Liberty in 1883.  Her basis for the words came out of her Jewish Heritage and from her work on Ward's Island, where she helped Jewish refugees who had been detained by immigration authorities.  She knew what she was writing about first hand and her heart to care and help other Jews came through the famous words that were later added and inscribed on a plaque at the base of the statue in 1903.  The full poem was entitled The New Colossus and the words are as follows:  Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, with conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand a mighty woman with a torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles, from her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command the air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.  Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp! cries she with silent lips.  Give me your tired,  your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.  Send these,  the homeless, tempest-toss to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Incredible words.  So incredible some people think it is a Bible verse.  NOT!!
Jesus, in speaking about the judgment in Matthew 25:31-46 first of all states in verse 31 "But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne.  All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left.  I am one of the sheep, not because I did anything, but because HE did it all for me to be a sheep.  There is nothing I can do to be more "saved", but that salvation generates a love for those that Jesus loves.  One monetary position will not be higher than the other.  Rich people aren't the more "blessed" people in this judgment.  The defining characteristic that is necessary is the belief in Jesus Christ and accepting Him by faith and Him changing your life.  To make this grace more understandable we put special things added to it.  Special things like; God blessed me to make a lot of money, God blessed me to have a benevolent heart, or God blessed me to use talents for Him.  We are only blessed because of what Jesus did for us on the cross.  The penalty for our sin condition has been paid in full.  Not in part by Jesus and the other part by us.  It is ALL about Jesus, and Him alone.  Pride causes me to think that I have arrived when I start doing Jesus looking things.  When in reality he is starting to come through my life.  It is not that me getting in the word, praying a lot, or doing selfless things makes me more like Jesus.  Jesus coming through in my life is the reason I do all of those things.  Once again, all about HIM!!  In verses 34 He helps us to see that those who are blessed of God, or those who have surrendered their lives will inherit the kingdom of God.  The result of Jesus being Lord of our life is a life of surrender in many areas.  To be like Jesus in the area of helping the poor might realistically look like this.  You cash in your huge home,  your loaded car, and your savings account and live like those you are wanting to help.  The relationship with Jesus is the substance of your  life and anything that is fluff is no longer useful to make you happy.  The climbing up the social ladder by what you own is no longer existent in your motivation for life.  You might say, "That would make me like Ghandi."  And you would be right.  But.....that is more like  "works."  We know where this will end up and they are called Pharisees. So to keep ourselves from falling into a "me" faith we must realize that God becoming a man was the ultimate emptying of self so that we might have something we can't earn or deserve. Salvation.  He made those of us who were weak, strong, through His grace.  So, what should we do to meet the needs of those who are without?  I don't know how far that should go, but it would stand to reason that we cannot give without getting to know those who need the gift.  The early church took care of each others needs as they came up and their fellowship was so close that God allowed persecution  on them so they would take the message of Christ to the world.  He took the emphasis off sharing material things and switched it to dealing with spiritual things.  In honor and obedience for what Christ did for us it compels us to do whatever we can to take the message to a lost and dying world.  Who are the lost?  Rich or poor it is  those without Jesus in their life.  It matters not!  
So the next time you want to give your leftovers to someone and don't share how to be saved, you might want to rethink the importance of a forgiven heart and make the message the priority. We can never get away from this basic foundation of our faith.  And realizing that importance does "change everything!"  Without Christ it is all useless.

The Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

What Bald Spot?

Andra and I attended a great Super Sunday  Fellowship at our pastor's home on Sunday night and watched the Atlanta Falcons dominate the New England Patriots for three quarters and then we went home to see the New England Patriots have one of the greatest comebacks of sports history.  That comeback needed all the way into overtime for the Patriots to win, but THEY WON!!  Some were taking pictures of the group and one particular picture was taken from behind me when I was watching the game and it really opened my eyes.  (That's me in the red  hoodie on the couch.) When I saw the picture I thought, "Wow, that looks like me, but that guy has a bald spot on the crown of his head."  Upon looking closer I realized that guy "was me."  For years I had dealt with thinning hair near the front of my hair line, but felt pretty confident about the rest.  I HAD noticed that when brushing my hair back it seemed to quit at the crown of my head.  Now I know "it's because there is no hair there to brush back!"  BUMMER!! Had I not seen that picture of my hair from the back, I wouldn't have realized that I had a bald spot back there.  In fact, if someone had come up to me and said, "Do you know you have a bald spot on the crown of your head?"  I would have replied, "No I don't!"
Too many times in the sanctification process that God is working in our lives we "miss" the bald spots because they are seemingly out of sight to us.  Our attention is focused on the things we can easily see and change, but the out of sight things are even out of sight to us. Only when we see a picture of the reality of a missed blind spot can we deal with it in truth and forgiveness.  Psalm 25:4 says, "Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths." When we see God's ways He exposes the true picture to us about our ways and His picture is very revealing. In verse 5 the psalmist goes on to say, "Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."  Sanctification - the state of proper functioning.  To sanctify someone or something is to set that person or thing apart for the use intended by its designer.  God is our designer.  The sanctification process for believers like you and me is intended to make good use of our lives for the use God intended for each of us.  In other words, God has a plan for your life and that plan is found in the  center of His will.  The sanctification process causes us to find God's ways and our desire to follow them takes on a whole new way of looking at life.  We see life as God sees it and begin to function as He intended.  One of the results of this sanctification process is a life that is bent toward holiness.  As we take on more and more of who God is in our life, the Holy Spirit begins to change us into a closer representation of who God is and that causes some major changes in our life direction and function.  Part of that process is God showing us the "bald spots" in our life that we, up to this point, didn't know existed.  He sees it and then shows it to us, if we are willing to believe what His awesome camera has captured, and then we can respond to the "truth" he has revealed to us about ourselves.  To which I will have to say, "I have many bald spots" and when He reveals them to me I try to respond with a willing, receptive mind and heart.  You may ask, "How long does this go on?"  All our lives!!  He gives us one lesson after another as He leads us to holiness.  Peter wrote in 1 Peter 1:15  "But like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves in all your behavior."
So sanctification matters.  Finding the bald spots in our lives matters.  Serving the Lord with an ever intensifying relationship matters!
Back to the game.  Before the game ever began, they were questioning how Tom Brady would respond to the pressure of the game and speculating whether he was "the best" of all time.  Commentators were analyzing every aspect of his game to come to a conclusion. For three quarters of the game they grilled him for not coming through like they thought He should and basically wrote him off.  Then came the fourth quarter.  The defense stiffened, the falcons lost their momentum, and Brady and Company took over.  Most people will say they knew that the Patriots would score in the overtime and win it after seeing the remarkable comeback in the fourth quarter.  Those of us who counted them out because of the daunting difference in the score had to eat our words and renew our faith by what we saw before us.  The whole Patriot game plan is a process that has been initiated by their great coach Bill Belichick.  When you join the team, you buy into the process and that process of all of those various, talented players working together makes a winner.  God's sanctification process is a winning process as well.  If you will bow your will to His will and we do that together, we will win every time and victory will be the song we sing together.  Part of joining that process is accepting the need to change the areas we can't see when He shows it to us.  BALD SPOTS!!  Let the ultimate Hair Club for Christians fill in those bald spots with His awesome formula and then you will see a full head of faith and Godliness that will never disappoint, but will impact the world we live in.  Get in His word and the visuals from spending time with God in prayer will begin to show you His ways, and the error your ways.  You may think you have lost your way, but there is one more quarter and victory is waiting for you if you persevere and open your heart.  People all around you will make you doubt, but trust God and He will rearrange and line everything up perfectly in your life.  A full head of sanctified hair is the end result.  Isn't that what you really want anyway?  YES IT IS!

The Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Salt and Light

Andra and I went to see The Resurrection of Gavin Stone last night and it was a joy to see such a quality production that shares the message of Christ on the "big screen."  To those who wrote the script and acted in the film, awesome job!   The message of humility and the continued, consistent love of Christ for the main character stirred my heart to the point of tears and reaffirmed the desire God put in all of us to be salt and light.  Matthew 5:13-16 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made saltagain? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out andtrampled under foot by men. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. ...

Which brings to mind "how much flavor does your life have and are you sharing that flavor with others?" Jesus doesn't say "if" you are the salt of the earth. He says "you are the salt of the earth." When we receive Christ we get our "life flavoring" and that flavoring makes an impact on all who come in contact with it. Basically, it doesn't mean we might be, but it does mean "we are." Scripture tells us some of the flavor we have, as given through the Holy Spirit in our life. In Galatians 5:22-23 Paul shares some of these fruits with us where he says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." Catch it where he says, "the fruit of the Spirit is." Here is the wisdom in this passage. When we accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit takes control of our life. The Holy Spirit being in our life starts to be seen in our actions and words. When we see those changes in our life that fruit does some more changing in us and draws us into a love relationship that continues to deepen us in our faith. That deepening helps us come to a spiritual understanding of what God is trying to do in this whole thing we call "life." The deepening causes more of Christ to be seen and less of us. That effect changes how people perceive us and the message of Christ begins to come alive in our hearts and our actions. "SALT" That flavoring in our life continues to cause us to be bold in our faith and share the message even more aggressively because it is at our core. The light comes from that core in a powerful, dark-shattering way. The light from our life starts to make evident the wrong things in the darkness and sheds light on the real life that is available for all through Jesus. It is a cause and effect type of process that you can't put a time frame on, but just know that it happens. Some people call it spiritual growth to try to explain it, but in reality the Holy Spirit is highly misunderstood by most of us believers because He does things that matter to Him as the Holy Spirit, and by the way, He is also God, so there you go. God's ways are higher than our ways and our human filter has a tough time understanding them. Paul apparently was grasping these deep truths more and more with every journey he took for Christ, because his letters were saturated with pure truth and models for growing closer to God. He had to know what that depth looked like to tell others about it, but even his explanations for drawing closer to God are a little out of our realm. In 1 Corinthians 2:16 Paul alludes to this where he writes, "For who has known the mind of the Lord, that He will instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ. All of this doesn't mean that we cannot get to know God in this deep way, but it does mean that the path is through the Holy Spirit in our life. For years I have been giving my denomination a "pass" on their desire to leave out the working of the Holy Spirit from conversations, Bible Studies, and overall attitude. This "leaving out" has resulted in a powerless, apathetic, worldly attempt to do ministry and the effect of that stand has been more of a curse to the cause of Christ than a help. I will no longer give that "pass" and the truth is we cannot do ANYTHING without the power of the Holy Spirit. In the past I have seen us worry more about the abuses of the Holy Spirit and leave out the blessings of the Holy Spirit and we can see that the effect of that stance is a powerless church and people. In other words, Salt and Light have been compromised and the sharing of the gospel weakened. Souls lost to hell. The light under a bushel. ( ala Matthew 5:15 KJV) As the scripture says, "We just don't do that!!" We put the light on a candlestick so it can light the whole house. The whole house!!!
So, where is your salt? He is in your life and He is called the Holy Spirit. As Jesus said, "You ARE the salt of the earth: BUT....if... Don't even let it get to the if or the but. Keep the salt and freshness of Christ in your life growing and ever-increasing by deepening your walk with the Lord and you will be all He intends for you to be.....You can't help it!! 
If I was a cook who was preparing a wonderful dish, I would look for the seasoning that would make the dish taste the best. For our life, the best seasoning is SALT!! It is who you are and who Christ wants to use to share his message. Jesus took fishermen, tax collectors, doctors, executioners, prostitutes, and many other undesirables and with His salt made them useful for sharing the message of hope. Surely He can use you and me to continue to share this message and we have all we need to make it happen. The Holy Spirit is our Salt and Light and without Him we can do nothing. With Him we can do anything!!!
Get to know the Holy Spirit in your life and truly come alive in Christ. It is time for God to be seen in our lives and our witness, but that only happens when we tap into the power that is within us, the Holy Spirit. No more tasteless faith. Now is the time for good tasting flavor and it is only found through the Holy Spirit. Deal with it!!

The Pilgrimage continues.....

David Warren