Will they be there? Of course! Will they be working on these songs at home and as they drive down the road? Of course! Will their worship be heartfelt? Of course! Can you depend on them? Of course! Are they selfless in their attitude? Of course! Are they doing it for you as their director? NO WAY! It’s all for God!
Praise God for His great mercy and direction for His people. He gives us direction in how to live our life. That direction is real and we will follow it. Who am I that I would try to take a separate path than what He wants? He guides my steps, but I must open my heart, mind and life to Him. Galatians 5:25 says, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Verse 26 puts the “who am I?” in the mix: “Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.” We are not to think less of ourselves because we are children of the King. But we are to keep ourselves and our wants in the proper perspective when it comes to who we are in His service. It is all about Him; all praise is due His name.
Who am I? I am a servant of the Most High and a significant part of His plan. Who are you? You are servants, people who are making a difference. Never discount how important you are to God. Keep in the middle of His mix and He will show you more and more each day just how much He loves you and wants to use you. Remember, your faithfulness generates far more than just doing a task. It shows who you are.
The Pilgrimage continues...
David Warren
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