Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Priceless Prize - A Parable by David Warren

I have written the parable below to illustrate some essential truths from God's Word.  I hope you will read it and be able to get something out of these truths over the next few days to encourage you in your faith.  Today I am posting the parable.  Tomorrow I will start illustrating the meaning of the parable.
Parable - a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson.
Years ago a young man who loved racing cars started seeing his passion come to life as He immersed himself in the world of racing.  He started going to races, reading racing books, talking with guys who were former racers, and quickly moved toward the day he would get his own race car.  His grandpa, who lived in a country home about 50 miles away, knew about his love for cars and decided he was going to give him his prized possession, a car.  When he told his grandson that he was going to give him his car, his grandson got excited because his grandpa got a beautiful new foreign sports car every year.  He always got the best of the best for that year.  His grandpa told him when he reached 21 years of age, he could have his car. He could already see himself behind the wheel of that awesome racing machine.  Taking hairpin turns at ridiculous speeds.  Pulling up to stop signs and beating all those who pulled up beside him floated in his dreams on a daily basis.  He couldn't wait for his 21st birthday and the days dragged on.  Sure enough, the weekend before his birthday, he couldn't stand it anymore.  He decided he would go to his grandpa's home early to look the car over and see if he needed to get it tuned up or cleaned out.  As he pulled up to his grandpa's home, he noticed some extra cars in the driveway and he was wondered what was going on and walked up the path to the porch.  He had no sooner gotten to the porch when his aunt came out and crying she said, "He's gone."  His grandpa, his friend, had passed away in the night.   The man who gave him so much wisdom about living life, and taught him how to fish, hunt, and race was gone.  Gone....
He went ahead and stayed at the house for the next two days and after the funeral went back to walk over the old home place.  He walked by the creek where he caught his first perch.  He saw his initials in the stump of an old tree where his grandfather had taught him the proper way to hold a knife.  As he walked up to the house, his aunt was there and came up to him and said, "Dad told me he made a commitment to give you his prize possession, his car.  Here are the keys and the title is already in your name.  He loved you very much and wanted you to have a car that could help you learn to race like you always wanted."  The young man took the keys and as he watched his aunt drive away, turned to look at the old garage across the driveway.  As he walked over to the garage he opened the door and there it was.  The ultimate driving machine.  Shiny, low to the ground, and ready to race.  He took out the key and noticed it was kind of old looking.  He thought that it was probably the car company's attempt to keep an old fashioned spin on a new car by having an old looking key.  He sat down in the driver's seat, and after gathering himself, raised his hand to put the key in the ignition.  To his surprise, the key wouldn't even go in!  He tried the two other keys on the key chain,  but they wouldn't fit either.  He couldn't figure out what was going on.  As he looked around the garage he noticed a sign on a divider door in middle of the garage in front of the car.  The sign said, "To my beloved grandson. Enjoy!"  He got out of the car and walked toward the door.  There was a lock on the door and one of the other keys on the key chain fit it perfectly.  He unlocked the door and opened it and turned on the light.  In the back part of that garage was what looked like a car under a tarpoline.  He walked over to the tarp and gently pulled it back revealing a 1936 Roadster.  It was in mint condition, and in the ignition were the keys!  He thought to himself, 'This is his prized possession? An old car?"  He couldn't help but be disappointed.   All his dreams of a beautiful new racing car quickly popped when he realized this was the car his grandfather had left him.  He had one question.  Why?  Feeling a little bit selfish, he walked out of the garage and thought that he would just keep walking.  He stopped, turned around, and walked back in and opened the door to the old roadster and got in the drivers seat. As he reached down to adjust the seat he felt a card on the floorboard, and when he looked at it recognized his grandfather's handwriting.
To Josh:
He opened the envelope and read the card inside.  Josh, I hope you enjoy this car.   It is my prized possession and has never let me down when I needed it.  Since it has been so reliable to me all these years, I want you to have it because I know it can be trusted.  Take good care of it and hopefully, some day you will pass it down to your grandson.  Love, Grandpa.  PS - I haven't started it in 20 years, but it should do just fine.  I have a can of gas on the shelf.  Put all the gas in the tank, pump the accelerator two times, and fire it up.  Keep in mind....I was never beaten in any race in this car.
He teared up as he realized his grandpa gave him something he knew he could rely on.  The car he had kept and used for many years,  He walked into the other room and looked at the new two seater, turned and looked at the old roadster, and walked to the shelf, got the gas, and emptied the can in the roadster's tank.  He opened the back door of the garage and got in the driver's seat of the roadster and just sat there.  He thought, "Will it start?  It's been 20 years!"  He pumped the accelerator twice, turned the key, and heard the sound of the most powerful engine he had ever heard.  It not only started.  It sounded awesome!  He backed out of the garage and headed to town.  As he drove into town everyone was looking at him in the roadster.  He couldn't believe the attention he was getting in this old car.  He just had to know more about the car that had been his grandpa's for so many years.  He knew of an antique car restoration place downtown and drove there to see if they could tell him anymore about his new, old car.  As he pulled up, the whole staff walked outside and the owner said, "Well, I've only seen pictures of this car.  I thought they were all gone."  The young man said,  "So, is this car worth a lot?"  The man said, "Oh yeah.  I have a dealer who would give you five for it today."  The boy thought the man was kidding when he said it was worth $500.00.  Surely, it would be worth more than that.  He said, "It may be only worth $500.00 to you, but to me it's priceless.  This was my grandpa's car and he loved it."  The man laughed and said, "Son, I didn't mean Five Hundred Dollars, I mean Five Million Dollars!  The young man couldn't believe his ears.  "Five Million Dollars!"  The dealer said, "Would you be interested in selling it?'  The young man told him, "No, it's not for sale.  It's worth much more if I pass it down through the family."  He got in the car and drove away, thankful for the ageless gift that continues to gather more and more worth as it gets older.  His grandpa's prize possession became his prized possession.  He suddenly sensed a great amount of responsibility to keep the car in the best shape possible.  It was not only his gift, but now it was going to be his legacy to those who would come behind him.
As life goes on, so do the stories of our faith and all the lessons God teaches us.  Open your mind and your heart to the truth of God's Word and see your world change before you eyes.

The Pilgrimage continues.....
David Warren

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