Thursday, September 27, 2012

Protect This House!!!

I was at my daughter and son-in-laws home this past week and they had just installed a new alarm system.  The company they used was ADT.  My son-in-law proceeded to show me all the options of the system including wireless control, police alert for break ins, and off site monitoring.  I was totally impressed by the way it was protecting their home by keeping vigilant for intrusions into their home.  I was also glad to see that my two granddaughters were protected to the utmost.  Protection is an amazing thing and in our world today it is necessary.  Years ago there was no need for protection, as neighbors watched each others homes if needed, but mostly we were much safer.  We see old tv shows and movies from the past and laugh and almost cry as they just left their doors open and didn't worry about a thing.  That is not the world we live in today.  Crime has risen to epidemic status through the years and the long slide to worldliness is taking it's toll in how we perceive our neighbors, or those who wander in our neighborhoods.  Life is different and precautions have to be taken to protect our families.  Paul in writing to Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:20-21 closes out this first letter by telling Timothy to "protect" or guard what has been entrusted to him.  What is he guarding?  The real truth about life and eternity.  That truth is best seen by how Timothy teaches, plans, leads, and lives.  In 1 Timothy 1:12 Paul alludes to himself being entrusted with the truth and thankful to be able to be a part of sharing that truth.  He says the word "considered" as though to say, "it was an honor."  Of course, it is an honor to be a representative of the gospel and live every day to share it with others.  That honor has value and needs to be protected and as Paul was entrusted, he also entrusted Timothy with the same honor as written in 1 Timothy 1:18.  Trust means the firm belief in the ability or reliability of someone or something.  Paul gave it to Timothy and now he is asking Timothy to guard it with his life.  What could happen?  The age old problem of human reasoning could come along and begin to water down the real truth and our desire for knowledge could come in and rob the Godly wisdom that directs our lives.  When our human reasoning about foundational truths begins to kick in we begin to warp the purity of truth.  We begin to analyze and scrutinize the basic foundational teachings of Christ and statements like: "oh, he didn't literally mean that did he?" start to surface.  Before long something so pure and undefiled begins to look totally different to us and then that morphed truth begins to be the standard, and in it's weakened state of reference we see a slow slide toward worldliness and confusion.  Before long we have new versions of the truth that "make more sense" in our present world.  We "go astray" as Paul tells Timothy and then the whole house of wisdom has been ransacked.  Paul knows this and his warning for Timothy is "avoid it."  Don't even entertain it!!  It's like a long stack of dominoes.  The moment you push one over it doesn't just affect that one, but the whole line.  The chain reaction of allowing human reasoning and knowledge to enter the house of truth is destructive and life changing.  People who need to hear the gospel, hear a "form of the gospel."  New believers who need to have spiritual parameters voiced into their lifestyles, hear a "watered down version of the truth."  What does all this mean?  It means the fox is in the henhouse and he is killing chickens right and left.  Why?  Because the farmer left the door unlatched.  When we allow human reasoning to set the course for our faith, it's results are disastrous.  What do they call this new lifestyle that is birthed from such a lax attitude about the teachings of Christ?  A USER FRIENDLY FAITH!!  User friendly is a substitute theology that allows human reasoning to dictate what God really wants and leaves out God's Word.  It's kind of humorous that Paul's last words in the first letter to Timothy are "Grace be with you."  In other words, if you don't protect what you have been taught, you are going to need all the grace you can get.  If you do protect it, then you will be attacked again and again, and you will need all the grace you can get.  So, what's the point?  There was a time when the truth was just accepted and we didn't have to deal with many distortions, but that time is over and now we must "lock our doors" to the sin of human reasoning and protect the truth in our hearts.  We must close our ears to those teachings that compromise the Word of God.  We must avoid these things at all costs....all costs...
Just like Under Armour Sports wear, "Protect This House!!"  Don't use human reasoning to direct your path.  Follow God's Word....Protect this House!!!  Don't let others lead you away from what you know is right.....Protect this House!!!  Don't let the ways of the world overtake you by making allowances for unGodliness.....Protect this House!!! Avoid teachings from anyone who denies the Word of God and it's truthfulness....Protect this House!!!  

The Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

In my last blog post I shared about the need to fix your eyes on the wealth of Godliness, not money.  I also shared about how money can change each of us if we allow it.  Money, like many other tempting things can either pull us away from God or draw us closer to God.  You may say, Woh, how can it do both.  Because money, like so many other things has the tendency to change people into something they weren't without money.  Hard work is replaced with laziness, you know, let someone else do it to spread the wealth around.  An aggressive attitude to help those who are poor like you were can change to "well, they need to get their act together like me."  You can look at wealth two different ways.  You either got it through your great planning and hard work, or God gave it to you.  Because either way it is undeserved...Ooops!  Did I say that out loud?  You might say, "You mean to tell me that all this wealth I worked so hard for is undeserved?"  Yes, that's exactly what I mean!!  Whether we want to believe it or not, the very breath we breathe is a gift from God, so where do you think that puts wealth?  I rest my case.  I have seen many movies where someone who started out poor gained great wealth and they were kind of embarrassed at the changes in their lifestyle when they were around their friends from the old days.  Why is that?  Deep in their hearts they want to show they are the same, but they aren't.  They are different because of their wealth.  Good different?  Mostly no!  Even when they give to those less fortunate there is this smug, "here's some of my leftovers" type attitude and it just doesn't line up with the teachings of Christ.   Conceit comes in and robs them of feeling like they are the same good ole boy or girl, and guess what?  Deep inside they are sad that they have let this happen.  Sad, unless they are bad at the core, and that is a whole other lesson.
In 1 Timothy 6:17-19, Paul reemphasizes the point about how wealth can change each of us.  It's not how much wealth we have, but what we do with it.  Years ago a down and out guy came to my office and wanted financial help.  I quizzed him and felt like our church could really help him.  You know, give him money and clothes, but also give him some direction.  He hadn't eaten in days and looked very weak.  I took him out to get a burger and some fries and he immediately perked up.  Then I got him some clothes from a clothes closet we had at the church.  I took him back to his little rental place and found out he didn't have a bed, so I got him a bed.  Each day I would see a little more progress and strength coming into his life.  By the end of two weeks he was like a new person, but not a grateful person.  He started avoiding me coming to try and disciple him, and before long he totally disappeared.  About a month later I got an urgent call from our pastor and he said he needed some help with the very guy we had helped get back on his feet.  He felt the guy was dangerous and the pastor wanted me to come to the church right then.  I quickly got ready and drove to the church to find the guy threatening our pastor.  As I got out of the car he saw me and quickly walked toward me in a threatening way.  I had to subdue him to get him under control and I realized something.  He had separated from us because he thought he was fine on his own, but the only problem was he wasn't fine.  Now he needed us again and this time he was demanding.  Do you see a pattern here?  When we need God He supplies our needs and even more, and then when we get what we want and more, we distance ourselves from Him because we want to think we were the ones that made all that success happen.   Then when it all falls apart we come back to God, but just for another fix.  We have become dependent on the wealth and not on God.  It is a dangerous position to find one's self in, but it does happen.  1 Timothy 6 Verse 17 says it well,"instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy."  Verse 18 "instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, 19 storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is life indeed."  Wow, some great words of advice for all of us who believe in Jesus.  He gave it to us, so to line up with Him means we give it away.  Sadly enough, the more wealth we get, the more stingy we become.  Conceit is driving that bus, and it is going down the wrong path.   Money, or the lack thereof, is a tough issue to deal with and usually we don't approach it because we feel like it comes from sour grapes if the person speaking to it isn't wealthy.  Not so!  We are wealthy when we realize that what we have is a gift from God.   A gift that we have the privilege to give to others.  I remember early in our ministry I was getting paid $12,000.00 a year at a church that could have done much better for us, but we kept on serving to the best of our ability.  When the new budget was presented a person from the stewardship committee got up and bragged about how much they had blessed us with our big raise.  It was $84.00 more for the next year.  We had our first child and we were not making it.  (they didn't ever ask us about that though)  The youth group had grown from ministering to 25 people (youth and their families) to ministering to over 400 people.  God was blessing and people were being saved and discipled.  As I listened to the report it saddened me, but we knew we would just have to make due.  All of a sudden a man stood up in the congregation and said that the raise was an embarrassment and made a new motion that they increase our salary $5000.00 more for the next year.  The church quickly agreed and God provided for our new little family.  I never forgot that man and his "generosity!"  He knew us and our needs and didn't try to "help" us figure out how to live on nothing.  He filled our need and lifted us up when we needed it the most.  Now when I know someone has a need, I give it to them without question.  Why?  Because that's how God gives.  Is this a flippant attitude toward giving to others?  No!  Money is here today, and gone tomorrow.  Godliness is eternal.  Which will you choose?  Remember, one affects the other.  How are they lined up in your life?

The Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Gold Plated Roots vs. Godly Roots

1 Timothy 6:6-12  Wow, the money thing!!  These verses are tough for those who have money and not Godliness.  Paul actually rates Godliness above money.  Go figure.  I would have thought that having lots of money meant you were Godly...Guess not!  The apparent success of the world is a very alluring thing and the desire to have more and be more is a constant drain for all of us, but especially for those who are wealthy.  I probably won't have to deal with these issues, so bear with me.  Paul goes all the way back to birth to qualify the importance of money.  He says in verse 7, "We have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either."  That is probably where those who really have the right perspective on life will shine.  Money, position, and things will all be priorities, just not the top priority.  Their life will not be make or break over how much more they have than their neighbor or other family members.  They are content to just make it.  Then verse 9 and 10 come into focus.  Where does the desire to make more take us?  In verse 9 Pauls says it takes those who want to be rich into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction.  Sounds like something I would like to have happen.....NOT!!!!  I have enough temptations in my life without having to deal with the money thing.  In verse 10 Paul says that the money is not the problem.  Why?  Because God uses money and position and power for His glory as well.  It's the "LOVE" of money that is the kicker.   What is the love of money?  To me, it's when it changes who you are and how you look at things.  It's when it makes you look down on others (like you are God) and try to put judgment on their lack of wealth by your wealth.  OUCH! It morphs into greed, jealousy, competition, and many other things that truly are not of God.  I know a little about it from my years as a child and youth.  My dad made a very good living and when I wanted something, I usually got it.  That was the first mistake of my parents.  You know its true.  I got spoiled.  When I went to college, I needed some identity so I pledged and joined a fraternity.  Once again, money made that possible.  I started thinking I was "somebody" and looked at others differently.  Once again, money made that happen.  Then my family lost their wealth.......You know what I did?  I came to my senses and God became real to me again.  Had they not lost their money it might not have happened.  Here is my painful conclusion.  I needed to lose my wealth to get true wealth.  There's that humble, need to follow Jesus thing again.  It always crops up and cramps our style.  Which brings to mind.  If you've got wealth, what is your style?  Usually what happens is you start thinking, "Why can't those peasants ever get out of the valley" as you look down on them from your lofty mountaintop home.  "There must be something wrong with them or they are lazy."  WRONG!!  You are upside down and your mountain is on the bottom and their valley is on the top.  At least, that's what Scripture says, if you want to bring the Bible into it.  And of course, I do.  In verses 11 and 12 Paul clearly states to Timothy to flee from those things and pursue Godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.  Makes sense that the advice given here goes back to what Paul said in verse 6.  Paul says, "Fight the GOOD fight of faith."  He doesn't say, "fight the good fight of money."  If I had that perspective, I definitely wouldn't have surrendered to the ministry. You see, over the years I have felt led to go to churches in California, Arkansas, Missouri, Alabama, and North Carolina.  When I surrendered to the ministry I made a life commitment to go where He called and let the chips fall where they may.  When I went to another church that called me to come I didn't go there to change jobs, I went there to serve the Lord and to fight the good fight of faith.  If I had gone for financial reasons, I would be wealthy now (money wise).  But I didn't.....and I'm not.  Now we end up being the "ones in need" of our families and that's ok too.  Someone asked me what my retirement plans were for the days ahead and I just had to laugh.  Retirement plans?  Streets of gold and worshipping Jesus is my only retirement plans.  I will serve until my last breath and then I will really have wealth untold.  Would we love to have more money?  NO.  Would we like to have more money?  Probably.  But only so I could expand the ministry God has planned for my life to reach more people.  I believe God has injected this into mine and Andra's lives and if that means picking Godliness over money, then so be it.  I don't presume to be anybody big, but just somebody who loves God.  I believe the Bible says that's enough.  If you have your roots in money, then those roots aren't as gold plated as you think.  They are connected to the wrong nourishment.  But if you are firmly planted in Godliness, then you are more wealthy than you can understand and realize and that is what Paul calls "great gain."  For those of you Christians who have been "blessed" with great or pretty good wealth.  Here is a word from God's Word.  The moment you think you are somebody because you have more money than others is the moment you become a nobody in the service of our Lord.  By the way, attending and serving in a church doesn't discount an impure heart.  It only keeps the deception alive for another day and thus deceives others as well.  Is that harsh?  Only if you love money!!!
Pink Floyd had part of their song right in these lyrics:
Money it's a crime, share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie
Money so they say, Is the root of all evil today
But if you ask for a rise it's no surprise that they're giving none away

The Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Power of Neglect - Finish Your Race!!

Neglect - not caring for something properly;  fail to do something (Websters)  It's amazing how much we don't finish things we start.  I can look back on many times when I started something very worthwhile, but failed to finish because of distraction, lack of funds, discouragement from others, or just laziness.  I always wonder what happens to those unfinished things that God puts in our heart and mind to do.  Where do they go?  What happens to them in our memory?  Are they a constant gnawing at our soul and just won't let us go?  If they gnaw at us, why?  Is that God trying to keep us on task?  Or is it us trying to recapture the past?  You know, this whole thing of neglect can really eat at us if we don't deal with it upfront and realistic. I loved watching the movie Music and Lyrics, where you've got a one time famous, half of a music duo, living off past songs and memories giving in to the fact that he is now a has been.  Suddenly he meets a girl who comes up with something he struggles with, lyrics, and together they get him back on track doing what he was supposed to be doing.  He started writing again and his life came back alive. He had started so well, but when he and his partner broke up, he gave up.  Wow, what a term....Give Up!!!  I will venture to say there are many more who "give up" on their dreams long before they "follow up."  They have one thing that doesn't go right, and it sets them back.  Then another thing is added on (usually financial) and the whole thing that was so pure and good starts to unravel.  Great talent turns into, pretty good talent.  Big dreams turn into failed hopes.  All because of neglect.  Paul tries to spur Timothy on early in his ministry because he knows there will be some opportunities for discouragement and then neglect.  In 1 Timothy 4:9-12 Paul reminds Timothy that the follower of Christ labors with his eyes fixed on the hope that comes from God.  He also encouraged him to keep going even when some might doubt his wisdom at a young age and try to distract him.  He reminded him that the best way to show he was for real was by living the life of a believer by example.  I've been there. I have something that God burns in my heart and I get after it, then the detractors start to pile on....Are you sure about this?  That seems like a real stretch!  Keep your feet on the ground David!  Then it happens....You let them rule your thinking and stop listening to God.  Why do people try to get you to neglect what God has put in your heart?  Because they know they will never do it themselves and they don't want you to get ahead of them.  Oh it comes veiled in concern and realistic thinking, but in reality they are trying to rewrite the dreams God has put in your life.  It's the ole "misery loves company thing."  This is all part of the apathy that the world has talked us into and now instead of affecting our lives, it controls our lives.  Phoooey! In verse 14 Paul tells it like it is when he says, "don't neglect the spiritual gift within you, which was bestowed on you."  He also says in verse 15 to "take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all."  Paul doesn't leave it there because in verse 16 he says, "Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching (Timothy's gift) persevere in these things." Now keep in mind Paul called Timothy a youth and Timothy was in his thirties.  We call a youth someone who is age 13-19, and when they get beyond that age their dreams should be pretty well realized and gotten over.  Why?  We base everything we do on an American School System, not God's system.  It is so ingrained in our lives, that we can't begin to think out of that box.  If you are wondering what the word is, it is  INDOCTRINATED!  The last thing Paul wanted was for Timothy to live his life tied to the norms of his time.  He wanted him to be a radical representative of what God was doing in his life.  No matter what the age.  What did Timothy do?  He became a great finisher and he did not neglect what God had called him to do.  On a side note:  I would love to see some of the people who have been a major distraction to me try to talk Timothy out of his calling.  He would eat their lunch!!!  The taste of their lunch by the way, would be "salt free."
So, if you have been distracted by the negative crowd and your dream has been let go, pick it back up.  If you see God's blessing still on it, then run.  RUN!!  Run from those who would try to kill your dream.  Run to the Lord and let Him guide you.  Run and get yourself in shape for the battle ahead.  Run because he says to run, not walk! RUN!!!! and Finish!  What could it hurt you if you are running the course God has set out for you?  NOTHING!!  What will keep you from following God's call on your life?  NEGLECT!!  Like MC Hammer used to say, "Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. nah nah, nah can't touch this.....Not Neglect....stay away from it and people who try to talk you into it.
I Corinthians 9:24 You've all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. 25 All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You're after one that's gold eternally. 26 I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got. No sloppy living for me! 27 I'm staying alert and in top condition. I'm not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself.
Are you running to win, or are you just running.  It's up to you to decide!!

The Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Spiritual Buffet

We have a little Chinese Buffet in our small town and their buffet is awesome.  I love to go there for Africa Chicken, Rice, Egg rolls, and many other delicacies.  Of course, you know what a buffet is; eat all you can and make as many trips as needed.  Americans like seconds, and thirds, and fourths, if possible.  All of this overeating is under close scrutiny and even if we aren't getting healthier, at least we are thinking about it.  I know my salt intake is going down to help me become more healthy and I don't eat near as much as I used to.  I am totally off Diet Cokes and I once again think water is a pretty good option.  I have downloaded the app "couch to a 5k" and have actually completed the full course.  Yay!!!  I will probably do this for a certain amount of time and then I will be tempted by a tasty "mchuge burger" and the whole thing will slide again.  I will then start the process over again and here we go.  As we all know, those models in all the clothing catalogs really don't eat and they live a very deprived, good looking life.  So much for that!!!  
In 1 Timothy 4:6-8 Paul tries to keep everything in perspective by speaking to possibly a mix up of priorities.   His desire for Timothy is to make Godly discipline the main priority in his life and not physical discipline.  Now this is not an excuse for not staying in shape and taking care of our bodies, but Godly discipline is definitely positioned ahead of physical discipline.  It's a matter of which is the foundational activity, staying in shape physically or spiritually?  Paul comes down on the side of the spiritual discipline  and evens says, "bodily discipline is of little profit, but Godliness is profitable for everything."  Here's how I look at it.  Bodily discipline is one of the things offered on the buffet table.  Spiritual discipline is the restaurant itself.  When you have the most important thing taken of the others fall in line.  In other words, if your spiritual discipline is up to date, then your other disciplines will fall into place, like bodily discipline.   You know things are out of whack when one of the minors overtakes the major, and that is where the wive's tails Paul is talking about gets some credibility.  It's because the major thing in life has fallen to the same level as one of the minors and the truth is compromised and wrong.  That fall is against what God wants in our lives and we shouldn't even get close to the cliff.   Keep everything in perspective by making the main thing the main thing and everything else where it is to be in the pecking order.  Just as a point of reference.  I don't think I have ever heard of anyone over studying God's word or living too Godly a life.  That's not gonna happen, but it should be the very gas that fuels our life engine.  If we will keep things in the right perspective, then all the others will become more permanent and lasting, like exercise, diets, and other lifestyle choices.  Keep Godliness Number 1 and just see what will happen.  It will be lasting, whatever it is.  In verse 8 Paul gives a promise that if Godliness is taken care of then it holds promise for today and the days to come.  That is good....real good.  Want to get a hold on to today, then begin today and every day with God.   Then He will put a buffet table before you that will have the best tasting life choices possible, and His words to you will be.....EAT!!!

The Pilgrimage continues...

David Warren

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Leeland James is Born!!!

On Friday, September 14 Leeland James Hollis was born in Florence Alabama to my daughter Jessica and son in law Caleb Hollis. Jessica showed a lot of courage as she gave birth to Leeland and Caleb was a faithful husband and father as he stood by her side during this wonderful birth.  May their home be filled with prayer and peace as they raise this wonderful little boy in the home that Jesus built. Psalm 103:17  But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children--The meaning of the name Leeland is meadowland, which denotes land that is ready for planting a crop. The meaning of the name James is supplanter, which means to replace.  My prayer is that Leeland James will be one who replaces hatred and discord with peace and Godliness.  Peace like a calm, beautiful meadow that is planted with God's love and bears the fruit of righteousness. 



Danger Will Robinson

I love the old TV show "Lost in Space" and memories of that show flood my mind from time to time when something similar happens that parallels an episode I saw as a kid.  The basic premise of the show was they were lost in space after a ship malfunction that set them adrift and off course.  The bad thing about them being lost was "they were lost!"  They didn't know where they were most of the time and they had no way of getting back to earth.    The good thing was they really developed a closer family unit that learned to work together through times of adversity and danger.  Their family unit became very efficient in dealing with danger as well.  A part of the show that is even funnier now than then with all our new technology is the robot.  He had a very original name....Robot.  He would scoot along with the Robinson's and his arms dangled at his side as he maneuvered and I thought that was so cool.  Now I just laugh.  Robot was programmed to be their helper and their protector and he was good at it.  One person in the show who would always throw a monkey wrench into their plans though was Dr. Zachary Smith.  Dr. Smith had stowed away on the ship and his constant desire to hurt the Robinson's and help himself kept them in constant danger and turmoil.  For whatever selfish reason, he would do something stupid to slow them down or put them in danger and at the end of the show they would forgive him.  I always wanted them to leave him alone on one of those weird planets they visited and get on with getting home.  Of course, that would have been too boring and the show would have ended sooner than the 83 episodes they compiled.  The great line that came out of the show was when Robot would try to warn them of impending danger by saying, "Danger Will Robinson!"  Robot was always looking for that danger and his warning was almost always right on target. That warning would save their lives and help them escape the danger.

In 1 Timothy 4:1-5, Paul writes to Timothy, and like Robot he is saying, "Danger Timothy."  In verses 1 and 2 he specifically says the danger will come from those who have fallen away from the faith.  Not only have they fallen away from the faith, but they start paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons. "Danger Timothy, danger!!"  The danger is they start believing liars more than the truth of God and their minds get clouded with half truths that draw them away from Christ.  They start doing things that sound a lot like some people today. They pick out certain things that they think are wrong and come up with their own moral code.  The moral code is flawed from the beginning because it takes things God has given us and tries to make them bad for us.  In other words, they say the good is bad and the bad is good.  Boy that sounds familiar. Morgan Cryar, a Christian artist, wrote a song years ago entitled "Kingdom Upside Down."  It tells of the bad being good and the good being bad and that the world's perspective is upside down.  Little did I know at the time, but that song is right on with how our world is today and seemingly how Timothy's world was at the time.  Paul's instructions for Timothy resonate with us as we have so many ungodly teachings that have surfaced in the past few years.  Some of those teachings are so dangerous that they will affect all of us for years to come.  In 1 John 1:4 John writes, "Dear friends do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." We need to pray for discernment to be able to know right from wrong.  If we don't, there is no telling where our faith will end up.  So, take the warning and when something doesn't line up with God's Word you can say it!!  "Danger Will Robinson, Danger!"  It will certainly apply to many things we see and hear in the world that appear to be lined up with God, but they are a shadow of the truth at best.  Be alert, be aware...  1 Peter 5:8 says, "Be self controlled and alert.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."  Be smart so you don't become Devil's Food Cake!!

The Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Conductor of Many Forms

Conductor - (3 definitions) 
1- a person who directs the performance of an orchestra or choir
2 a person in charge of a train, streetcar, or other public conveyance, who collects fares and sells tickets.
3 Physics a material or device that conducts or transmits heat, electricity, or sound, esp. when regarded in terms of its capacity to do this:

To be a conductor in any form is an amazing responsibility, but in the area of the ministry of being a deacon it can have huge great effects or disastrous ones.  Believe it or not, all three definitions given by Webster are applicable to the life of a deacon.  Paul in writing to Timothy knew that this position of leadership could get out of control if not handled properly (verses 14-16) so he gave some upfront qualifications to help keep it in the right frame of ministry.  In the denomination I serve, the deacon ministry has warped into the very thing Paul was warning against.  It is such a pivotal ministry that if used by those who are deacons in the wrong way, it can stifle the cause of Christ for many years.  Why?  Because we are traditionalists when it comes to position and power.  What I mean is, when we get a position of leadership we tend to want to pass it down to our children, grandchildren, close friends, and so on like it's an inheritance.  That attitude in itself is a mockery to the deacon ministry.  The deacon is a man who is individually proven to be a man of dignity, not double-minded, not addicted to wine, or fond of sordid gain.  These are individual characteristics that come out of a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.  The first definition speaks to this very thing.   A deacon is a person who directs the performance of the church, as he also directs the performance of his family and his own life (verses 12).  That direction is not given by a person who is a star or a man of position, but as a servant who shows the mystery of who God is by pure, undefiled, Godliness.  Oh he's a leader alright.  But a "servant leader."  Too many deacon ministries in my denomination have morphed the ministry of the deacon into an office or a position of decision making power.  The decision making is good if controlled by a heart that understands and lives the life of a servant.  I'm gonna make a call here......ONLY by a person who has the heart of the ultimate servant, Jesus Christ.  There, I did it!!

The second definition also applies to deacons because they are on this gospel ship and they are very pointed in wanting to reach more and more with the gospel.  They know the power of new converts being added to the cause of Christ.  They also know that when they line up with Jesus in their thinking, they will have the distinct honor of not only reaching new converts, but mentoring them in the faith.   They welcome new converts into the church and punch their ticket for the ride by investing their time and teaching to disciple those new converts on this gospel ship we are riding on.  If the streetcar was named Desire, their desire would be to see all who come to know Christ share in the mysteries of the life of following Christ.  They would never stop sharing those mysteries with those new converts on a personal level.  If you would go to any Baptist Church and quiz their deacons about how many people they have personally mentored I would dare to say that fewer than 10% have ever done it.  Why?  Usually it's because they aren't told "this is what you do!"  In their case, Ignorance is bliss!!
The final definition speaks to a plus or minus lifestyle all deacons have to aspire to at some time in their lives.  They are conductors of many things.  Church members will try to come to them to get something done politically or for position.  If they are conductors of gossip, political leanings, or anything but serving, they are conducting the wrong things and the end result will be "souls" not won for Christ.  It means they are off task and doing the wrong things and people's impressions of them are not what they should be.  This only confuses members of the church and community at large and the ministry of deacon becomes a back door bully pulpit.  I don't even have to say how bad that power is and how destructive it becomes.  But......if they are conductors of the Spirit of God through a growing relationship and people see that they will pass on the truth of what it means to be a Man of God to all who see them.  Their witness will win many and their very presence will calm fights in the church and get the church back on task every time.  Every Time???  Every time!!  In verse 13 Paul says, "those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus."  Deacons who know what kind of conductors they are will be one of the rocks in the modern day church.  Contemporary churches that want to keep all of the church polity out of the mix won't even have deacons.  Why?  They have seen to many bad conductors and they don't want the possibility of it compromising their mission as a church.  That seems to be why Paul needed to write to Timothy about these qualities of this very important ministry.  It's one or the other.  Very good or very bad!!  May we still believe in deacons and the positive affect they have on the modern day church, but may we never assume anyone can serve in this very important ministry of service.  Jesus Christ gave His life for the church and deacons are asked to do the same.  I see that the deacon line is  dwindling a little right now.  I guess it needs to.  Something to think about...We worry about whether a deacon has ever been divorced before, but we rarely worry about if he's been married to the true gospel of Jesus Christ in the first place.  I'm just sayin........

The Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Ultimate Combo Meal

When I go to a fast food restaurant I am usually looking at combos.  You know, burger, fries, and medium drink for a "special price."  It does save money, but you realize as you are eating it that it is not quite up to par with the non-fast food restaurants.  When we have a special night for going out to eat we will step it up a bit to maybe a Red Lobster, or Olive Garden or some place like those.  When we step it up, we also step it up in price.  You actually hold a menu instead of reading one on a lighted board behind the cashier.  Both are food and both are good, but a basic difference in them both is preparation.  As you look in the back of a fast food place, you will see a grill, a bun warmer, and some deep fry cages.  They will basically cook every meal on those cooking areas and it will taste good (most of the time).  You will get a meal.  When you go to the nicer place you will see guys and girls in there with chef's hats and the servers will come around and refill drinks or take dessert orders.  It's all food, but one is able to exist at their cost with the way they quickly prepare pre-made food.  The other will cook the food from scratch and they will have a chef who has trained for this different level of food preparation.
Believe it or not, leadership is looked at the same way.  In ministry all service is good and all service is needed.  But not all servants serve at the same level in the area of leadership.  Paul gave some specific instructions in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 about one area of leadership called elders.  Different denominations look at this level of leadership and come from different vantage points.  Elders can be paid staff members of a church, and elders can be those who are non-paid, but make high level decisions in the area of church polity and direction.  It seems like the elder position can be looked at in many different ways, but one thing is sure.  They must have their act together spiritually. In verses 1-3 Paul states the fact that if someone wants to be an elder or overseer, it's good he wants to pursue it.  Then he states a few "givens" for the position and the need for that person to have their life and family under control.  Why under control?  Common sense would say, "if you are able to be a fair and spiritual person in your home, then you will probably be that way in that position."  It just make sense that a man would have characteristics like temperate, prudent, respectable, able to teach, and many others if he is wanting to lead in the Lord's church.  In fact, Paul reemphasizes the point in verse 4 by saying "He must be one" and in verse 5 the common sense point is brought to the forefront.  The must part has been compromised through the years by churches and people of political strength who replace those who have the aforementioned requirements.  Why?  It's the nature of the beast.  We tend to try to develop everything on our own with "insider" position taking and the result is chaos.  Keep this in mind.  Politics has been in the church since it's beginning and we are no better off now.  If we just applied the standard Paul lays out in these verses it would make straight a lot of the crookedness we have in church life today.  I guess scripture is alive and relevant for today.  Duh!!!   One last thing mentioned by Paul in verses 6-7 is that the person shouldn't be a new convert.  In other words, not wisdom that anyone could bring to the table, but wisdom that is developed over time and circumstances.  Service that has been weighed by time and consistency.  Godliness that is known by all in the church and outside the church.  OK! I'll say it.  He needs to be a Man of God!!  Why mention this Paul?  Because without the right people in the right place, the whole thing will fall apart like a house of cards.  Leadership is not something acquired, but earned.  For believers it is to be thought of with honor and for those in that leadership position, it should be protected at all costs.  In the midst of all this position filling Paul was talking about, he always brought into the picture, the need for Godliness.  That is the key!  A Godly man will protect his witness and protect the ministry of the church.  A Godly man will step in faith and strength and humbly follow God's leading as he leads others.  A Godly man is the "chef who prepares each meal to perfection" so that those who partake go away filled.   He doesn't think in combo ministry plans, because He knows that every decision needs to be a God-inspired decision.  Now that is an Elder.  Do you know any?  Hold on tight to them, because their numbers are fading before our very eyes.  Elders aren't just combo meals that are sold at the cheapest price, they are the ultimate combo meal.  Great food from wisdom, and great preparation to make it the best it can be.

The Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

I remember when I was about 17 years old, we had a youth group come and sing in our church for a special program.  Of course, all the guys were checking out the girls on stage and I saw one that was beautiful.  Afterward we took them out to eat at a local pizza place and they let some of their youth ride in cars with some of our youth.  I made a beeline for the girl I had been eyeing, only to find out she was a Miss Teen Tennessee. (no wonder she was beautiful)  She and two of her friends rode in my car and I was thinking, "she is so good looking."  And she was really pretty until she started talking..... The girl I had been so wanting to get to know turned from a lovely young lady into an egotistical, self centered, snob.  In the ten minute drive from our church to the pizza place, she went from a 10 to a 2(maybe).  It was all because of who she was and not how she looked anymore.  When we came in the door of the pizza place all my buds gave me a big thumbs up and I just nodded.  I let the girls get their place at a table and turned and walked off.  One of them said, "aren't you going to sit with us?"  I just ignored her went to my friends table and put my head in my hands.  One of my friends said, "you better get over there before someone else moves in."  My reply, "knock yourself out."  The outside beauty was great, but it was nothing compared to the disastrous inside of the beauty queen.  I learned a lot about life that night and it jarred me into reality.  Reality that came up with the quote, "beauty is only skin deep."  Boy, was that ever true.
Which brings to mind the scripture in 1 Timothy 2:9-15.  Wow, we like to avoid these verses if at all possible to keep the peace with each other.  But, here goes.  Paul specifically says two very important things in these verses. Number one.  Beauty is only skin deep!  Yep, there it is right there in scripture in verse 9.  True beauty is seen in godliness, not trendiness.  True beauty is seen through modesty, not gaudiness.   True beauty is seen through being secure in who you are, not who you hope to look like.  I am fortunate to be married to a woman whose rare beauty is on the inside and only compliments her outside beauty.  I dated quite a few girls in my day and really fell head over heels for some of them, but those relationships pale in comparison to the relationship I have with my wife, Andra.  Her inner qualities are a strength that God uses to bless everyone who comes in contact with her.  But remember, it's not about her, it's about whose she is and how that is seen in her actions.

The second thing Paul says it that women should not be over men in teaching and authority.  They should remain quiet as is their role.  Boy, if Paul was preaching today our modern media would have a field day by trying to tear him apart.  They would call him a curse for all womankind!  I beg to differ...I believe Paul is making a relevant point about the scope of things and how they line up.  I think we will all agree that women have a special kind of discernment that is settling and helpful.  Most people who have that gift and use it are thinkers, not talkers.  If talking and action were to have a fight for credibility, action would win every time.  The great strength of women is not in what they say, but in what they do.  Their constant example of strength and wisdom is more seen than heard.  If a lady thinks she is less than a man because she lets him talk, then she has lost sight of the very strength she has been given by God.  That strength is completion.  From the beginning of time God enabled women to complete the picture he has for life and happiness.  They are the piece of the puzzle that men cannot live without.  When I say live, I mean LIVE!!  I am alive because my mother gave birth to me.  I am complete in my course of life because my wife gave herself to me.  I am the best I can be because of the women in my life.  Enough said.  
Paul's challenge to all women was to continue in faith and love as examples we all draw strength from as believers.  Women set the standard for loving hearts and faithful companions again and again.  To lessen that role is to take a big chunk out of God's plan for true happiness. 
Tough scripture, but a very helpful one to remind all of us that a woman's role in any area of  life is one of foundational faith and strong love.  May we all give them their due and may all women never back away from the strong place God has put them in life itself.  Is it about the outward appearance?  That fades!  Is it about what someone says?  We forget those words!  Is it about who a person is?  The depth of character is always proven through action and there are no better examples than the women of our lives.  That is where true beauty is found.

The Pilgrimage continues.....

David Warren

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Ransom is Paid!!

Years ago I watched a Mel Gibson movie entitled Ransom.  The story centers around a very wealthy airline owner who's son gets kidnapped.  It shows all of the emotions the parents went through as they bargained with the kidnappers only to find out that one of the detectives was behind the whole kidnapping!!  Wow, that was a twist I had not planned on, but it brought to mind a Biblical parallel in 1 Timothy 2:1-8.  Paul is writing to Timothy, his son in the faith, and in this part of his letter he brings out three very important things that are all tied to the word "ransom."   In verses 1 - 4 Paul tells Timothy that we should pray with humble hearts for all men, including kings or those in authority.  In making our requests for them we should pray for their salvation and believe that the "ransom" for their lives has been paid also.  I know we don't all agree with our leaders from time to time, especially now, but it doesn't lessen our need to pray for their eyes to be opened to the gospel and for their lives to be changed.  If they don't know Christ then they are not accepting the ransom that was paid on the cross and they "just don't know any better."  When we pray for them we should pray that Christ, our mediator, would be shared with them and that they would get to know of His incredible offer of real life.  Just imagine what would happen if a leader truly came to know Christ, and the changes that would take place in their thinking and reasoning.  It would be awesome to see God at work in their lives.  As you can see we have our work cut out for us and that work should be done on our knees praying to the one who offers freedom for those who are kidnapped by the power of sin.  In verses 6- 7 Paul talks about the testimony of Jesus Christ.  You know, we don't really mention the testimony of Jesus much,  but it is vital for sharing our testimony.  According to Paul the testimony of Jesus is powerful, and very timely.  You may ask how?  We are in a time in our nation where we need a powerful, pure testimony that will shine out through all of the haze that has accumulated through weak ideas and worldly pursuits.  We have plenty of people talking, but the testimony is weakened because of the injection of "political correctness" into everything we say and do.  The pure testimony we need is the one of Jesus Christ himself.  We must hold onto the strong truth of the Word about who Jesus is and what He did.  We must point to our ransom, Jesus Christ.  You see, we have diminished the worth of what He did on the cross by not telling it with true conviction and belief.  We have allowed it to become a back story instead of the headline, and our testimony has suffered because of our lack of telling it again and again.  Paul says in verse 7, "I was appointed a preacher and an apostle as a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth."  In other words, he was to take this testimonial from Christ to a group of people that most of us fall into, Gentiles.  He didn't take this lightly and knew that on his own he would fail, but with Christ' testimony he would succeed.  The last thing Paul addressed was the attitude of those who are ransomed.  In the movie, Ransom, the look on the boys parent's face when they saw their son was priceless.  They thought they had lost him and for a while lost hope, but their joy came back when they saw their son was free!!!  We too are free.  What is your attitude of gratitude toward God when you realize that through the ransom being paid you are free forever?  I bet it is not near celebrative enough....Why is that?  We forget!  Pure and simple, our memories fade.  You may ask, "Why can't I seem to keep my faith strong and my attitude of praise ever growing.  It could be you really don't know Christ.  You just said a prayer one time and  there was no repentance, no life change, no Holy Spirit, and you are a Christian by name, but there is no Spirit in you.  Bummer.  You aren't alone.  Many church members are in this condition of not really knowing Christ, but their name is on a church roll.  All of that will remain on earth when the Lord comes again and they will not be heaven bound.  Or it could be you know Christ, but you haven't been seeking Him and His righteousness and nothing has been added to your life.  You are a spiritual baby.  It's time to grow up.  Paul  wrote to Timothy to remind him of what should happen in his life because of his ransom being paid.  He knew Timothy was the real deal and that this letter would be received as good instruction to "help" him.  Paul's last bit of advice on the subject in verse 9 called all men to quit fighting and start focusing on Christ by lifting up holy hands to Him.  Don't focus on the world.  Focus on Christ.  You can do that through prayer, Bible Study, surrendering to serve the Lord in a ministry, or whatever.  Seeking is a neat thing.  When you do it you immediately find that God is right there with all the answers.  There is the other parallel to the movie Ransom and that is the cop who was behind the whole kidnapping thing from the beginning.  We have one who is trying to divert our eyes from the truth by going around behind the scenes to keep us kidnapped by lifestyle choices.  It's time to quit living by the perspective of satan and allow God's truth to be our focus in every situation.  We must quit letting the world tell the story we know by heart.  It's ours to tell, so we must tell it right, and tell it with the conviction of Christ.
Keep in mind.  When we live life by God's perspective, the results will always be God's results, not ours.  It's time to get on our knees and stand up changed.  Rejoice!!  The ransom is paid, so quit acting like you are still kidnapped.  Walk like you are free!!  Because you are!!!

The Pilgrimage continues.....

David Warren

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


 I played basketball in High School and the different personalities that make up a team cause me to really marvel at coach's who can make them all work together.  Our team was full of superstars (not me) that individually were being looked at by many colleges, so the level of play even at practice was high.  I was the number one sub at point guard and even started a couple of games, but I mostly played behind another guy.  He was incredible and basketball was his life, where life was my life and basketball was a pastime.  I distinctly remember on one occasion when we were playing a cross state rival that all of those personalities didn't work together as a team.  With all the stars that would have been okay, except, we were playing a real "team."  They knew exactly what they were doing and what their roles were and we were running around like people who didn't  know what they were doing.  It got so bad with our point guard that our coach called numerous time outs to settle everyone down and get our guard to start moving the ball around.  Up to this point our guard had made a decision he was going to win this game on his own and he was killing us.  The rest of the team saw what was happening and we quit believing that we could win under the present circumstances.  In the second half after a blistering halftime speech our point guard showed a little change of attitude, but then it happened.  He ran one of our favorite plays, a man came open, and instead of passing it to him, he drove the basket and threw up a prayer that didn't work.  That was it!  Our coach was livid!  With red face and heavy breathing, he looked down the bench at me and said, "Warren get in there and run the plays."  I jumped up and went to the scorers table and checked in.   As I was walking by our point guard and our coach I heard our coach say, "Sit down.  You're done."  At the time I didn't know what he meant, but after about five minutes I could see that I was in the game to stay.  When he said, "You're done", he meant for the whole game.  Woh!  What it meant was he was no longer any help to the team's effort and in fact, he was losing the game for us.  It was like he was for the other team, even though he wasn't.  In 1 Timothy 1:18-20, Paul's writes to encourage Timothy to keep on keeping on.  He tells him to keep on "fighting the good fight" like he was prophesied to do.  Timothy keeping the faith was the best thing for keeping the team together and winning the battles ahead.  Two others who had been on the team were told "you are done."  They weren't given any more grace or used to help the cause of Christ.  They were done.  Paul used the term "shipwrecked" in explaining their condition.  Why were they shipwrecked?  Because they rejected doing things the right way that results in God being not being glorified and the cause of Christ not furthered.  They were not team players, but superstars in their own minds.  Paul yanked them out of service and told them they were done.  Done for good....He even put a very harsh indictment on them by handing them over to satan to be taught not to blaspheme.  Sometimes it can get that bad when others in faith start taking away from the team and start working against the team.  They lose sight of what is important and start thinking more for themselves than for the whole team.  Which brings up the question.  Are you contributing for Christ, or distributing against Christ?  It's either one or the other and that fact we hate to admit.  But it's true. Time out for self evaluation.  Are you sailing on the high seas of life and growing in Christ as you sail, or are you shipwrecked.  It would be tragic to get to the point where God would say, "You're Done!"  Remember who you are in Christ and what is possible when you totally surrender to him.  You will be in the good fight when that happens and God's prophecy for you to do great and mighty things will come to pass.  Now is the time to keep sailing.  Rocks ahead, but with Christ they aren't obstacles, but direction finders for new seas that lie ahead.

The Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren