Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Leeland James is Born!!!

On Friday, September 14 Leeland James Hollis was born in Florence Alabama to my daughter Jessica and son in law Caleb Hollis. Jessica showed a lot of courage as she gave birth to Leeland and Caleb was a faithful husband and father as he stood by her side during this wonderful birth.  May their home be filled with prayer and peace as they raise this wonderful little boy in the home that Jesus built. Psalm 103:17  But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children--The meaning of the name Leeland is meadowland, which denotes land that is ready for planting a crop. The meaning of the name James is supplanter, which means to replace.  My prayer is that Leeland James will be one who replaces hatred and discord with peace and Godliness.  Peace like a calm, beautiful meadow that is planted with God's love and bears the fruit of righteousness. 



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