Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Source of Oneness

My wife and I will celebrate, yes celebrate, 38 years of marriage tomorrow, August 6.  It will be a great benchmark that includes a love God put in each of us for the other in 1976.  I remember the wedding ceremony pretty well, but I remember the Life commitment real well!  That life commitment was a commitment to love, honor, and cherish each other until death and that has been our long standing commitment through good and bad times.  When we married Andra didn't know that God was going to call her husband into full time Christian service and the effects of that alone are tough, but rewarding.   God has led us from coast to coast in this time of ministry and we have been able to see lives impacted for the kingdom in fantastic, inspiring ways, and continue to serve the Lord who knit our hearts together in Oneness.  In Genesis 2:24 it says, "for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh."  Not only one flesh, but one heart is the case for us.  When I surrendered to the ministry I didn't know that at times my only support was going to be from the Lord and my helpmate, Andra.  I thought the ministry would be like scripture stated it would be, but the human factor of dealing with people has at times made the ministry a major source of worry and confusion in our marriage.  But, through all of the horror stories Andra has remained hopeful and helpful, and for that she is to be commended in the best possible way.  Even in my failings, she has been patient and kind and always Godly in her approach to whatever happens in our lives.  All of this is, of course, from God, and the power of the Holy Spirit is real and present in our marriage and that is where we draw our closeness from.  The last 38 years has developed a Oneness that I can't explain and rely on to this very day.  This oneness causes us to sometimes finish each other's sentences or thoughts, to stand in battle against evil together, to pour ourselves into our children's and now grandchildren's lives, and to look each other in the eye and see our love for each other is ever-increasing.  I marvel at the marriage God has developed in our lives and I am humbled by God's love that makes this marriage a marriage of Oneness.  I fully anticipate and look forward to many more years together, God willing, and praise the Lord for the woman He put in my life.   Andra, I love you with all my heart and look forward to fighting many more battles together and seeing God use our marriage for His Glory.  It is wonderful to grow older with you my sister in Christ.


The Pilgrimage continues....

David Warren 

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