Cornelius was a major player in the Roman Cohort and he wielded a big stick when it comes to power and prestige. An angel spoke to him and told him God had heard him and that he needed to get some of his men to go get Peter, who was still at the home of Simon the tanner. If an angel were to speak to me and tell me to do something, I would do it. So did Cornelius. He explained everything to two of his servants and one of his devout soldiers and sent them on their way. Can you imagine the conversation with those he sent to get Peter? "An angel of the Lord came to me and told me to send some of my men to go get a man I've never met, by the name of Peter. I want you all to go and get him and bring him here." Cornelius wanted to do what the angel had said to do and didn't waste any time trying to reason if it was truly an angel or an apparition. He just believed and acted.
Oh, to have this kind of "flowing faith." The kind that reacts to the Lord and recognizes his call to do a certain thing for Him. That flowing faith is the kind of faith that comes from a very close relationship with the Lord, and by spending time with Lord. It appears that Cornelius was a wannabe part of the Christian church, which up to this time had only been available to Jews. His introduction into the spreading of the gospel to the Gentiles was a significant part of God's plan. God took a man who had prayed and given alms for many years to the Lord in order to be a part of the whole thing. He just didn't know how much more of a part he was about to be. His reaction to the angel showed he was on "go" and ready to serve the Lord, whom He loved.
Sometimes we think, "Lord just give me a clear sign and show me what to do!" In verse 3 the scripture says, "he clearly saw in a vision angel of God." I don't think you can get any clearer than that and so it is. The gospel is going to be coming to the Gentiles, which by the way is what I am. I am so glad God sent an angel to clearly make a path to salvation for all, including me... and probably you. Is God sending messages to you about a significant plan he is working out? Is he about to begin an awakening and will he use you to be a part of it? If so, it is important for you to be in the Word and in prayer to the Lord so you don't miss that call. You never know. It may be the call of an angel.
The Pilgrimage continues....
David Warren
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