Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Rogue One

Matthew 5:10 “Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
I went to see Rogue One, the latest in a series of Star Wars movies two weeks ago. It was very good all the way through, but the last 20 minutes of the movie were really stirring and uplifting. Why? Not to be a spoiler, but the whole movement of the rebellion hinged on the successful plot to get the plans to the death star.  The two main characters had to go through a lot to get to the place to access those plans and then they had to send them out to the rebellion force so they could make plans to destroy the death star.  What made the movie climax so awesome was the extent that a volunteer group of rebellion fighters were willing to go to make sure the plans were transmitted successfully.  It was basically a suicide mission for the volunteers, and of course, most of them were killed.  Not before they made a way for the main characters to access the plans and transmit them out to the rebellion army.  When the plans reached the princess they asked her why the plans are so important and what will they give to the rebellion.  The princess turns and says one word...HOPE!!  That's it isn't it?  All of this we do in ministry to advance the message of Christ shows how willing we are to give our lives for the gospel.  We are constantly finding ways to defeat the death stars in our lives. Our rebellion is against the dark forces of evil that lead back to our enemy, satan.  The plans that give a lost a dying world hope are found in the message of Christ.  It is our desire to get that message out at any cost and many give their lives as volunteers to get the message out.  Sure, we are persecuted, we are beat down, we are ridiculed, and to what end?  The sake of righteousness!!

Here is where the whole thing comes together though.   When the Rogue One crew left the rebellion headquarters  they went against the plans of the rebellion leadership.  The leadership thought it was too risky to attempt to get the plans and that it was a suicide mission.  The volunteers took a ship loaded with believing rebellion misfits and led an awakening in the good side of the force that advanced their cause to a whole new level.
Rogue (def) - a person or thing that behaves in an aberrant , faulty, or unpredictable way
Is it going to take a Rogue-like personality to break out of the standard that we as believers have set for ourselves?  Probably.  It will take someone who is willing to get the message out at all costs and get it out in a massive way.  The person that takes up their cross and follows Jesus will be Rogue One in a world of apathetic Christians who do more planning than doing.  If they "go against the flow" of the modern day church they will be branded as radicals.  A new testament word for them is ZEALOTS!!  
What drives your life?  Is it a passion to serve Jesus at all costs?  Or is it being accepted and totally kept in control by a faulty plan of action that doesn't involve true commitment.  It's time to get blessed and persecution will probably precede that blessing.  The persecution won't come from non believers, but it will come from those in the so called rebellion who have already sold their souls to the dark side or the status quo.  It is time for us to advance on the death star that keeps us from going about freely sharing the goepel.  The plans to defeat that star have been transmitted to each of us through God's Word and they will blow up the base of the dark side.  1 John 4:4  You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.
So, you don't have to be Obi Wan Kenobi to feel the force.  If you know Jesus, the force is strong in you.  Jesus has set that righteousness in each of us who know Him.  2 Corinthians 5:21 says  21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.  
Time to unleash the force and be a leader in radically following Jesus and others will come and join you when you take that step of faith.  I know the dark side is strong, but the Jesus side is stronger.  Step out. Step up.  Step in...... Just step!!
If you take this radical step you will be setting yourself up for persecution, but in the end it will give one thing....HOPE!!

The Pilgrimage continues...

David Warren

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