Tuesday, July 28, 2009

mainly mentoring...

Mentor -- a wise and trusted counselor or teacher 
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.--Proverbs 27:17
To share ourselves with those who are younger or less experienced is an often overlooked ministry in the church today. The ministry called mentoring is the oil to the wheel of progressing closer to God as individuals and as a church. The wheel is our spiritual walk with God. That walk is a growing walk that affects both individuals and the church as a whole. To share of your life with someone else is probably the most effective tool for the church to have spiritual children and grandchildren that make an impact in the world. To have someone invest in your life will change you forever and stimulate you to do the same with someone else.

Accountability groups will usually be the next step that follows a mentoring ministry. Groups of people who allow themselves to be held accountable to keep a current walk with the Lord through commitment and interaction with trusted friends who are growing in their relationship with the Lord. I believe accountability groups cause a close fellowship in a church family and keep us upright in our attitude and about others and ministry.

I want our Worship Ministry to take this next step in ministry. In the future, I will be sharing a creative, concise way for us to establish a mentoring ministry in the choir that will be enhanced by accountability groups within our choir fellowship. The end result will be a choir more focused on living a life that is an example of Christ and a life that is a total life of worship. The ministry of our choir will continue to improve and grow as each of us help each other draw closer to the Lord. Sound exciting? That’s because it is! Just think about it: God drawing us closer and closer together through His Word and through our interaction with each other. We are totally qualified to have this kind of fellowship and should run to it.
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.--Galatians 6:10

The Pilgrimage continues....
David Warren

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