Saturday, July 19, 2014


Our granddaughter was just born and she is beautiful!!  So proud of Lindsey, our daughter in law, Seth, our son, and of course, Charlie Mae.  She has come into this world to live with two loving parents, many loving uncles and aunts, adoring grandparents, and a wonderful loving Lord.  The tremendous feeling of life and it's blessing is overwhelming for all of us, whether here or on facetime and skype.  Tears have been shed and will continue to be shed as we look into a face that God has shaped and formed in His image and our lives will never be the same because of the blessing named Charleston Mae Warren.  Mother and daughter are both well and praise God for that blessing.  My little boy Seth is now a dad and his life will never be the same.  I know and speak from experience.  To be a father or a mother is what I feel like is the closest we will ever get to experience how God must feel about us, His children.  The precious honor of seeing this child grow up will cause all involved to realize just how awesome our God is and how overwhelmed we are in the presence of His Greatness.  Greatness is seen in the smallest of things.  Small but formed by a loving God who continues to overwhelm us with His goodness.  God takes undeserving people like me and blesses us with the birth of a precious child.  
A little boy asked his mother where he came from, and also where she had come from as a baby. His mother gave him a tall tale about a beautiful white-feathered bird. The boy asked his grandmother the same question and received a variation on the bird story. Outside to his playmate he said, "You know, there hasn't been a normal birth in our family for three generations."
Praise God we had a very normal birth and we didn't have a bird, but a beautiful child that was prayed for by all our family.  Those prayers will continue to be voiced for her as she grows up and blossoms into a young lady we know will serve God with all her heart.  God is faithful and we are relying on His faithfulness for Charlie Mae.   We are overwhelmed by her beautiful birth and know she is going to live in the greatness of God's Grace.  Praise God and Thank you Lord for caring for her in the womb and now in the world we live in.Charleston Mae 7 lbs 13 oz and 21 1/2 inches long.

The Pilgrimage continues...

David Warren

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful miracle she is!