Tuesday, June 21, 2016

I SEE the Harvest

Luke 10:1-24 This scripture highlights the appointing of more disciples to get them involved in the ministry Jesus has established.n verse 17 the disciples report back with much enthusiasm and joy, saying "Even the demons are subject to us in Your name. Jesus then told them He was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning. Great victory. Here are some of the points of clarity that we will be using to mirror our outreach in accordance with the sending out Jesus did at that time.
1. They went in pairs. Accountability is seen here at it's best as these disciples went out in pairs causing them to support each other and rejoice with each other. Our Life Groups exist to develop disciples that will serve together and keep each other accountable. The community of the Life Group will enhance the desire to keep our outreach in the forefront and it will keep us serving even through the tough times.
2. They were very conscious of the time and effort. The disciples went from house to house and if they we're rejected then didn't let that distract them from their purpose of sharing the message of salvation. They didn't let the no responses slow them down and keep them from going to the next house.
3. If they were accepted in a home they developed that person's faith and spent quality time growing them into disciples.
4. These experiences opened their eyes to see the heart of Jesus' ministry purpose. In verse 23 Jesus says "Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see." In other words, their eyes were opened to the importance of their commitment to the kingdom work established by Jesus. They would never be the same because they could truly say, "I see!"
Can you see the harvest? Perhaps if we will get established in these simple elements of Jesus' teachings we would begin to see the harvest again.....as Jesus sees it. The New Testament church was established from this very simple plan and it caused them to see the harvest so much that disciples of that time were willing to give their lives for the gospel. What would be the effect of each of us joining hands with another believer and following Jesus word to go out? I believe we would do what Jesus said in verse 23, "blessed are the eyes which see the things you see." Our eyes would suddenly be opened to a new realm of understanding about sharing the gospel message. Are you doing enough in sharing the gospel to even see what the effect is or are you just talking about it. Jesus compelled the disciples to go and they went. There is a chance you won't see the harvest like Jesus sees it until you go like those early disciples went ...... in pairs. Maybe you have read this scripture before and it didn't hit you in this way, but today it is brand new to you. Let it take you where God wants you to be. Maybe it is something new to you.... and better. Read the story of Andrei Sakharov and see the effect of reading and rereading the truths of God. Maybe then you will SEE and be energized.
Elena Bonner, wife of Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov, says that as he wrote his memoirs she typed, edited, and nursed the work, doing everything she could to make sure it survived seizure by the government. Sakharov worked on his memoirs in Gorky, rewriting sections because they kept vanishing. Then one day he met Elena at the train station and with trembling lips told her, "They stole it." She says he looked like a man who had just learned of the death of a close friend. But after a few days, Sakharov returned to his work. According to his wife, each time he rewrote his memoirs there was something new--something better.
Jesus continually takes His word and applies it to our lives in new and fresh ways.  Those fresh and new ways can be applied to today as those they were just written today if our minds and hearts are open to His Truth.  Read it again and perhaps you will SEE.  Then the scripture in Hebrews 12:2 will make much more sense.   "Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith..."

The Pilgrimage continues...

David Warren

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