On Sunday, June 6 a friend named Dana Key passed away and his death brings a lot of things into focus. These things can become blurred because of the busyness of life, but it is good to STOP every once in a while (like every day) and keep in mind how precious life is. James 3: 13-17 speaks to this very subject and James tells us to realize that our life is passing by like a vapor and every moment counts. That is why everything we do should line up with God's will and His ways. When we are positioned in the center of His will time will suddenly become more in control by us than itself. You see, if we take full advantage of every day then every second of every day is at full capacity. I'm not saying we should run hard all the time and life should become hectic as we try to milk every second out of every minute. NO! What should happen is we should allow God to make the most of every second. We honestly cannot do this on our own because it becomes way to exhaustive. We have to turn all this time over to the God of the Universe. He is the controller of time and He equips us to use every day to the fullest. When we turn it over to Him a realization comes to mind.....He's GOOD. What used to be us making plans and saying this and that will suddenly start to change from a bunch of plans to His plans. Plans with purpose. Plans with Celestial Control. In the scripture it mentioned his warning is to wealthy merchants who seem to have time to make plans to make more and more money as they move from city to city. Their focus is on the almighty dollar and not on Almighty God. A day planned without God will always compromise the true wealth of life. That wealth is found in a God-centered life. It doesn't mean we shouldn't try to use our talents to the fullest and make every effort to improve ourselves, but not at the expense of ignoring God.
Our lives are like a mist and when we start feeling a little bit misty by realizing our mortality it causes a crisis of belief. "Is my life a vessel being used by God?" "Am I allowing God full control of all of my days?" Or maybe it will echo the question of an old Private James Francis Ryan in the movie Saving Private Ryan. He says to his wife as he looks at the tombstones of the men who fought to save his life. "Have I lived a good life? Have I been a good man?" God gives us the opportunity to ask those questions today....TODAY! Don't run from those questions. Face them head on and make TODAY count. Verse 17 brings all this good life stuff out of the mist and into focus when James says, "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins."
Step out of the mist and with clarity allow God to control every area of your life and time will be defeated from there on because every day will count for Him. That kind of time counting maximizes every breath we take and every move we make because they are all for Him.
On Thursday Afternoon,June 10 at 1pm many will come and talk about all the good Dana Key did in his life. It will all be true with much more needing to be added. Dana now stands with the one who uses the word good in a total different way when Jesus says, "Well done my good and faithful servant. Welcome Home!"
The Pilgrimage continues......
David Warren
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