I love the TV Show Pysch and along with a regular dose of humor you get to see how someone can become very famous by being able to read people's minds. Or so it seems. The main character is able to discern what happened in a crime by putting together clues others miss. He masks his perceptive skill by making others believe he is having visions. The humorous part is most believe he can read minds, but in reality he notices things other people don't even see. The almost hidden clues allow him to make conclusions and solve crimes by getting the fine tuned evidence and putting it all together. Nothing magical or creepy, just noticing clues that others miss. But, he does have the ability to SEE things others miss and that puts him in a very small group of people that are sought after.
The Christian Walk is a lot like that for those who try to go deeper into who God is, and what He wants. I don't mean trying to fool people by saying you are one thing when you are another. I do mean having a hyper-sensitivity about Spiritual things and how they apply to our daily lives. We may hear a preacher or Bible Teacher say, "It's very easy to know what God wants. It's not brain surgery!" But in some ways it may seem like brain surgery for those wanting to go beyond the daily quiet time, read a daily scripture thing that is the staple of most Christians. I don't mean to lessen the importance of a quick quiet time, but in reality there is so much more God wants to teach us. More means ESP or Extra Spiritual Perception. As a youth pastor it was such a joy to see lights turn on in student's lives when they began to grasp a deep spiritual truth from God's Word. They would look at the Bible and say, "Where have you been all my life?" Right here on the coffee table. Whether you are young or old, the truth is the same. God wants us to know more and more about Him.
1 Corinthians 2: 9-16 speaks about this very issue . The scripture brings up the point of knowing what God knows in order to make decisions in our lives. Paul says that we must have the Spirit of God to discern the Word of God and when that happens we can know the mind of Christ. Do you realize how HUGE that is and how necessary for each of us who have accepted Christ. No more guesswork. No more excuses. No more compromise. PURE TRUTH!! In verse 16 Paul summarizes by saying, "But we have the mind of Christ." How can that be? Because we are not controlled by our old worldly reasoning, but we are led by our new Spirit-Filled Truth. What others may not notice, is quickly discerned by us giving us a wisdom that gets stronger and stronger.
You may wonder where all of this is going. Well in 1 Peter 3:13-16 Peter calls us all to live a better life. How much better? Holy! You heard right, HOLY! How can sinners saved by grace live a Holy life? By living beyond your past and allowing God to change you in the present, so your future plans will be totally intent on God. He calls all of us to be kind of like Psych, by preparing our minds for action and having highly receptive spiritual antennas that are always tuned in to God. What used to totally go "over our head," suddenly makes sense. When that makes sense it is tied to something else that is an even deeper truth, and that begins to challenge us to change how we think and act. The rest is gravy. What gives us this ESP? The blood of Jesus puts all that in motion and our accepting Him makes the connection possible.
It's up to you. Will you accept this Mission Possible and allow God to finetune your senses and get to know the mind of Christ? Or will you walk and think totally on the surface for every issue in life? It's your choice. His wisdom pool is easily accessible. I suggest you jump in and bathe yourself in the wisdom God has waiting for you. The answer is in the Bible. Yes, that one on your coffee table. Now, pick it up and God will fill you with every answer to every question and grow you into a person who is in touch with Him and His ways. ESP....It's the wave of the present. Don't miss it!
The Pilgrimage continues.....
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