Where Is the Book with My Face In It?
That was the comment made by a newcomer to the world of Facebook. Facebook is not just a book with your Face in it. Facebook allows people to connect with each other from locations all over the world. Facebook is one way to keep in touch with family, friends, and acquaintances over the internet. Since September 2006, anyone over the age of 13 with a valid e-mail address can become a Facebook user. Facebook's target audience is more for youths than adults. The website's name stems from the name of books given to students at the start of the academic year by university administrations in the US with the intention of helping students to get to know each other better. If you go anywhere you will come in contact with someone who has heard of, or is a member of Facebook. Good or bad, it is a major reality in our society today.

Scripture tells of a Facebook Application also. This application began "in the beginning" and God the Father started it all. But the faces God talks about are a little different than the FaceBook we know of today, but in some ways still the same. In Genesis 1:29 God says, " I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." The word Face here means "surface" and points to what is on the surface will be what we need for food, and that it is provided by God. God provides for us things on the surface that can be seen and used for nourishment. The Face of the earth is what we walk on and explore as being part of God's Creation. That Facebook Application is a good lesson of God's provision and faithfulness.
Another kind of Facebook Application is illustrated when Moses said to God, "Now show me your glory" in Exodus 33:18-23. God replied by setting it up so Moses could look at His back as He went by, but not His Face. God said He would cover Moses with His hand so He could not look into the Face of God. God, being God, set the rules and Moses did not see His Face, but did experience His glory from the position God chose. God not showing His face did not minimize the amount of care He gave to Moses and the Israelites and in the next chapter He gave Moses The Ten Commandments. That Facebook Application was a good lesson of God's care and God's direction.
Many other times in The Book, Face is used to describe God and His perfect ways. His Face is seen throughout The Book and we are able to live a life of purpose because of His Facebook. But, the Facebook Application I am most intrigued by is the one where God looks at my life, my Face, and accepts me and gives His Son as a sacrifice for my sins. This application changed me years ago from a lost, hopeless sinner, into a new life of forgiveness, peace, and purpose. When this application became available I signed on (repented of my sins) and became a member (accepted Christ) and He gave me a password (the blood of Jesus) so I could always be able to get on His Facebook and keep our relationship up to date and growing. In my profile area it shows that one blank has been filled and it says PAID IN FULL. The photos portion shows all the people who made a difference in my life and all those I continue to develop friendships with in order to introduce them to my great friend, Jesus. He continually gives me possible friends to add to my friends folder and has an automatic Accept Friend Request, because He never wants me to IGNORE anyone who is searching for Him as their friend. He is the ultimate Facebook Friend and if you look in His book you will find my FACE.
So where is the book with my Face in it. It's God's Facebook, called the Lambs Book of Life. He wants your Face in His book also. In John 1:12, He says, Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God. He's online right now! How will you respond? ACCEPT THIS FRIENDS REQUEST or IGNORE. Push the first button. Your friend is waiting to put your FACE in His Eternal FACEBOOK.
David Warren
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